…well not a real flashoholic yet, but planning to become one.
I’m joining the forum from Holland. I’ve been a long time buyer from DX and some other Chinese sites, but I’ve never taken much interest in the flashlights advertised there. Until I was thinking of a present for my father and remembered these flashlights. When I went to the USA, 15 years ago, he asked me to buy him a Maglite. Bought the largest I could find, figured it would illuminate the dark side of the moon, but the output was pretty disappointing.
I decided to start reading a little about what kind of LED flashlights there are on the market. BIG mistake! I’ve spent hours and hours and HOURS reading about all kinds of lights and I still don’t know what to get for my father. I’ve bought one for myself, a Convoy C8 XM-l2 T6 4C, it’s an excellent light, now I want more (has there ever been anyone who bought just one flashlight? I doubt it)
I think I want to give my father a Skyray King 3 or 4 LED light (or a differently branded clone), but I realize it’s kind of difficult to know which ones are good. On the other hand I’m thinking of a Convoy X3 because of the possibility to use AA batteries and the Convoy will certainly be a quality light. It just doesn’t have the wow (holy s#it !)-factor a King has.
Anyway, I’m just saying hello now, I might open a thread someday asking you experts how to recognize a good King and where to buy it. I’ll probably want a King for myself too someday soon.
Any flashlight you buy your dad, especially a Convoy, will have a "wow" factor - that is unless he already is a member here and you do not know it. LOL
you can't really compare a c8 and a skyray. the c8 is built to throw and the skyray is made to flood. I am after Kcd, nothing else matters or has the wow factor of Kcd. flood lights are cool for a minute but I like getting as much light as far downrange as possible. c8 or yz-t08 (i have/had both and multiples of each) are amazing little lights, you really can't go wrong with one of those. I just got a supfire L3 in the mail that is quite a bit bigger but looks very promising, if you want something smaller with good throw the convoy M series are very nice little lights.
(has there ever been anyone who bought just one flashlight? I doubt it)
I remember after buying my third flashlight I was asking myself “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” I think I then set a limit of $500 maximum to spend. Close to some 50 lights now and not slowing down.
Your first light is a beauty, much nicer than my 1st one!
I’d been buying crappy LED flashlights as gifts for my family before becoming a member. Now I buy WOW-LED flashlights for my family as gifts! Not to mention a few for myself!
@saypat:Yes the Convoy C8 is a beautiful little light. I think I know what you mean. I don’t even really need a powerful flashlight as I live in one of the most light polluted areas in the world. But now I have this C8, I’m also interested in a soupcan style light like I said and the Convoy X3, but also the Jax Z1 zoomer and the Acebeam K40M look interesting, although those are pretty pricey and hardly budget lights anymore (to me). Maybe a Shadow JM30 as a cheaper MT-G2 alternative… this forum is gonna get me in trouble.
I have been hankering over both of them but I recently figured out that the K40M is more of a thrower and the Jm30 (in MT-G2) is more floody (and a lot less money) and heck for $6 more you can make it a triple cell and get good run times. (almost like a 4C maglite)
Welome and yes the Supfire M6 is better than the Skyray King and nearly the same size. Have a look at Mountain Electronics for their modifications options for this light. Richard is good to go on this in addition to being a regular member here.