Hello there!

Hello, I’m an average flashlight enthusiast with dreams of modding my own lights to suit my preference. I’ve completed a few emitter swaps, but I’m still incredibly green on the subject of modding. I’ve owned flashlights from a few different companies but I’ve settled on zebralight, sc65c hi and sc53c n.

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Thanks for joining the gang, Palantiri!


Successful emitter swaps are a pretty good modding ability, I’ve screwed up a bunch of them through the years.

Hope you hang around here and post in the “what did you mod today?” thread, which, IMO is the best thread on the whole forum.

Thanks, glad to be here!

I haven’t done any mods in awhile, but I’m planning to soon. I’ll check out the post, and when I do mod something, I’ll post there myself :smiley:.

1 Thank

Welcome to BLF Palantiri!

Lots of great modding info and help here. And swapping out some LEDs like you have is a great start. :+1: