
Hello all,

I have been viewing / -trolling -for some time (thought it was I chimed in)… This I can tell is a great board / place for not only information yet camaraderie.

How do I know this, well one example is reading through the threads and the one that sticks out the most in my mind the most is the one where Old-Lumens found a package at his door step being a drill press from another member. This is the type of place I would like to be involved with / a part of.

I have read through a lot of threads and I mean a lot! I have decided to… well you know everyone has at least one Mag-lite laying around including me… to attempt a modification, its a donor / victim 3D. Supplies are on order. What are they you ask? Well the simple Cree XM-L2 U2 C1 w/ 14mm Round Base, and a 8x AMC7135, 5 mode Nanjg 105C. Haven’t decided on the power source yet. I know the mod will work with 3 Alkaline’s or 3 NiMH’s, or 1x Li-ion. Actually I have two victims another 3D and about 8 2AA Maglites.

I have (been bitten) purchased the defiant 3D 1000 3 up from Home Depot and 4 of the two packs 120 lumen s to tear down and experiment with. Think I might return the Defiant 3D after the mag-lite upgrade?

Stopped by my buddies welding shop today looking for a line on a drill press to purchase he said he will keep an eye out for one (hopping to find a Jet). He also has a Bridge port lathe and a Bridge port mill that I can use anytime I want how cool is that? Oh yea he also has an Ellis band saw and drill press. Second donor might become a stubby?

Oh I forgot my first LED light was a Stanley FatMax 10 Watt LEDLIS 700 0r so lumen. Blinded a few coyotes with this light.

Well I hope all a great night and ingenuity.



Welcome to the BLF .


Lots of


Yes indeed.

Hi Jack, Thanks: Seems I already have (your definition of BLF) down pat…

Hi and welcome wetland. Where do you actually live so I can move in next door to your mate? With a workshop like that I’m willing to immigrate. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes I feel your thoughts!. My buddy has been in the welding business for 33 years and as you can tell has some of the nicest equipment both old and young. Bridgeport Lathe and mill is old school from the sixties, drill press and band-saw early 1990’s.

He has a house for rent right behind his shop $1250.00 month :bigsmile: . Shop rental is free for renters, as always old friends have first dibs. :wink:

Thanks for the welcome MRsDNF

Hikelite, Thanks for the welcome.

and here are a lot to learn (my too)

Welcome aboard. Always nice to have a new modder around to bounce ideas around with.

It's a pleasure to know you, wetland!

Welcome to BLF wetland :beer:

Perfect. This just keeps getting better. I love welding and l’m from the sixties. This is a match made in heaven.

raccoon city: You gave me an idea thought I would test post a picture.

Welcome to BLF, Brad! :party:

Oh, those ribs look awesome. Great test pic. I almost licked the screen.

Welcome aboard. Looking forward to seeing what you dream up and create.

Chloe: Thanks for the greeting.

ImA4Wheelr: Well I did post that picture due to the fact I see a lot of members having a good time (um ribbing each other) :bigsmile: The ribs were awesome. That was a 4.5 hr smoke on the kettle. It might be a bit on the creative part still collecting supplies / parts and trying to wrap my head around everything. Thanks for the greeting.

Welcome! This really is great place. Lots of great people here!

Pretty soon you’ll be cooking those ribs with your new lights…

Welcome to BLF Brad.

RMM, Ledsmoke, Flitsmal: Thanks glad to be here.
Flitsmal: Grilling with your LED’s Yes indeed.