I’ve lurked here for many a year. Sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed to the incredible resource that BLF has become. As a older tradesman who spends lots of time in dark, noisy, dirty, hot, cramped and sometimes dangerous places, BLF has truly improved my quality of life over the years.
Lurking is cool… :sunglasses: Welcome in !!
Welcome to BLF Archibald Tuttle. :+1:
Thanks for signing up, Archibald Tuttle!
I have only been a member for a few months, but I feel the same way about BLF as you do. Welcome aboard!
Hi Archibald
Welcome to BLF from a fellow lurker…
Hey, me four ha. I just got back into flashlights…
Hi and welcome from an old codger.
Thanks to all of you for the warm welcomes!
Hey how are you doing man? And welcome to BLF! :partying_face: