Help deciding: Convoy/Xintd x3 vs Yezl Y3 vs Tangsfire HD2010 stock

thanks for the link, now thinking I’m gonna get a Maxtoch, not sure between a M12 or X2. I understand they use the same driver. As the M12 only takes 1 battery how does that compare to the two battery X2? I don’t really understand buck drivers and what 1 or 2 cell setup effects are. Would an M12 be able to use an 18650 with a spacer?

You could buy all three (4 if you include the C8) of your original options for what you will pay for either of your Maxtoch choices :open_mouth:
If you are ok at spending that amount of $$$ on a single light then go for a real quality thrower - 840 meters - for $88.95 you can get a ThruNite TN31 (XM-L2)

Would rather spend that same money on one quality light. The only other flashlight I have is an eBay cheapie zoomable xml T6. But you raise a good point. I checked out the tn31, beam looks extremely narrow to me which dont think ill be happy with. But I’m open to comparisons to the Maxtoch. So with that in mind Im thinking of starting a new post. Best bang for the buck in $50-$100 range. Not willing to go any higher as I can keep justifying just a bit more money right up to $300. And I want something with good build quality so think $50 is a good starting point for that. What do u think?

I've copied this from the other thread you were asking questions in.

Here is a link on some night shots that may help you. The HD2010 reflector is very similar if not identical to the Y3. I dont have shots of the Y3 with MTG-2 but do have with a highly modified HD2010 with MTG-2. I'm in Mount Evelyn.

Thanks for the beam shots, lots of nice lights. The mtg2 seems very nice. How did it go being powered by 1 battery in the 2010? Still would love some outdoor comparison shots between some maxtochs and other similarlly priced lights. The Y3 and X3 be the go for under $50

The Acebeam K40M ($89.99 @ HKE) uses a Cree MT-G2 which gives a wider hotspot than the TN31 - still a good thrower at 814 meters and uses the same magnetic control ring.

The HD2010 with MTG-2 was powered by 2 x 26650 batteries.

Looks nice at that price but how come its so much cheaper than banggood or gear best?
IS there anything stopping me getting a Maxtoch 2X and swapping it out for a mtg-2 if I’m not happy? i.e. voltage driver issues?

Or this one? [NO COMMENTS OR DISCUSSIONS HERE!] The BLF Deal Alert Thread

Lol this thread is gettin out of control

Thats a seriously good price. Is that a legit version or maybe an older model?

Totally out of control. Still think the X3 and Y3 are prob good enough for what i need, but I dont buy flashlights that often, so might as well pay a bit more for this one. Plus my birthday is coming up :slight_smile:

Didn’t read the whole thread but did read your summaries of each light. Sorry but a lot of it is not correct. All three take 26650 or 18650 with battery adapter. Other points that were wrong or missed listed below.
HD2010, great driver(as far as power, East 92, from my understanding direct drive on high), great built, excellent throw.
X3, great build, great driver, won’t take protected batteries.
Y2, nice build, weak driver.

If modding, disregard everything.

In stock form I would choose the X3(smaller) unless I really needed the extra throw of the HD2010(best overall light for the money) because of the extra weight of the HD2010. Y3 is also great but has a weak driver if left stock. Have 8 HD2010’s and all have great build quality, only had one with an unfocused led, all had East 92 driver except one. As for size smallest to largest X3, Y3, HD2010. Wouldn’t call the last two compact.

Yes I understand now that the Y3 does take 18650. Thanks. However, a lot of people have said that there is too much inconsistency with the 2010. Are all 8 from the same store? Are there performance differences between them? . The X3 and Y3 look to both be excellent lights. At this stage I’m thinking I’m gonna buy a light between $50-$100. Im looking at the Maxtoch 2X and the Tn31. Im not planning on doing any modding at this stage. But perhaps in the future I might get a Y3 as a host.

Seven came from Tmart and one from Lighscastle. All bought one at a time, usually when they were on sale and once during a group buy. Even the one that doesn’t have the East 92 driver has a very strong driver, not sure of the amps. The one with the unfocused led has bad rings in the beam buy that’s the only one I didn’t like. Led positioning is something fairly easy to correct. HD2010’s throw like crazy for the money but they are a little big for sticking in a coat pocket. You can get rid of the next mode memory by using the pencil trick. X3 is smaller and has a nice driver and stainless bezel which is nice but it won’t take protected batteries if that matters to you. Y3 would be my last choice because of the weak driver. Modders say it throws better than an HD2010 once modded but not stock. 2X(on sale at Wallbuys for $50) and TN31(around $100) are also nice. Can see you have done your homework and all the lights you are looking at are really good lights at their price point. If size doesn’t matter get the TN31, it will out throw them all. You really can’t go wrong with any of these lights except the Y3 because of the weak stock driver.

Not to worried about unprotected batteries so the X3 on ur advice would be really nice. Where did you see the 2X at wallbuys for $50? only one i can see is the 2s. which is also really cheap for $50. Wish I could see some comparisons between the SN6X-2X and the Thrunite TN31. Can anyone help me out?

HD2010 driver is hit and miss, not all got an East92. IIRC, even the fabled East 92 is not consistent… there is a version that lacks the charms of the original (sketchy memory on this one).

Just look at the OL group buy. 3 versions, and half dozen sub versions. Also IIRC, Tmart.

That was the 2S at Wallbuys. Don’t know about that one. You will have to take my word, the TN31 will out throw the 2X. Have both but not the time for beam shots. On the HD2010, that is my experience, probably my favorite bang for the buck light.

While you’re deciding where to spend your dosh, get one of these.
It’s a great deal - Convoy C8 AK47 7135*8 = $20 shipped.
If I didn’t already have half a dozen C8s I’d get one.

Are you still deciding ?

I have them all, the X3 is nice, buy I find myself reaching for a C8 for most things.
My HD2010s are all modded, it was a good learner platform.

The Y3 has the best throw by far. (pun intended)
And with a spacer tube sleeve it will happily run on 18650s. (you know you can get them from laptop batteries ?)
It’s a cool white XML2 T6 with a yellowish penumbra.

I have better throwers (TN31, BTU shocker), but the Y3 is the best I’ve tried in a small torch.

The UF1405 GB deal may be better than all these.

I checked out the link but its 29 pages and i can’t find the C8 for $20 deal.

Thanks for the recommendation. Still i think deciding between the Maxtoch SN6x-2x and the thrunite tn31. What do u think of ur tn31? is it heavy and bulky for everyday use? I do like the C8 and I’m sure ill get one at some point. Do you have any beam shots of the tn31?