Help deciding: Convoy/Xintd x3 vs Yezl Y3 vs Tangsfire HD2010 stock

Also I do know you can get 18650 from laptops. I have called up pc stores around here seeing if they have any old dead ones lying around. Asked recycle places if i can take old batteries and they all said no. Any suggestions where to source old laptop batteries?

$20 is high for the Convoy C8. The deal is $12.99 shipped here:

awesome thanks

I guess I should say it is $12.99 for US, but it may be different for AUS

it always is, it always is :frowning:

Yeah, sorry, the link should have gone directly to the post.
That’s the deal that pilotdog linked above - $19.99 AUD = $12.99 USD

The TN31 is way too big for everyday use for me. There are some beamshots here somewhere.
Just don’t test one within 500 metres of horses. :cowboy_hat_face:

Try Batteryworld - they place battery recycle bins in places like council chambers.

In case you don’t have enough suggestions, the Olight M2X is on sale at banggood with a coupon (*, <- =model name). From the reviews it looks like a great light in stock form

it does seem a bit big. its for camping 3 or 4 times a year so guess this not big a deal. Wish i could see comparisons to the 2X.
Thanks for the suggestion about battery world. You think it’ll be ok to look in the bins at my local town hall?

Hey thanks for that not sure about the M2X

I have Simons convoy x3 with the ld25 driver. My understanding is that the ld25 is a linear driver (direct drive). It’s superior to the usual 7135 based drivers. No pulse width modulation.

I can attest to this. The light is dead silent in all modes.

Simon said his latest version has more throw than the original xintd 7135 based light. Probably a deeper reflector?

Here’s my take on the light. First off, it’s really nice looking! Stainless steel bezel is a nice touch. The build quality and materials are outstanding.

It throws like a mofo and definitely seems like a legit 1000+ lumen beast. I freaked the shit out of a possum two yards over :wink:

Now for the question of how much i use it? Answer, not much.

Why? Because I’m not much of an outdoorsman and I don’t need it for work. And if you don’t fall into the above categories, it’s a big, heavy light (with batteries).

Actually, it’s not that big. About the size of those old plastic red rayovac c cell lights from back in the day. But still, it’s no edc.

I don’t have a lot of lights. I keep it simple. I have an itp a3 eos keychain light with an efest imr 10440, the x3 with a king Kong 20650 and the light I do use the shit out of… My little convoy s2+ 18350 mini light.

7135*5 driver, t6-3b tint, efest imr 18350. Love that little bastard!

My x3 is u2-1a. For a thrower, I like cool white. But for edc, the t6-3b is my “Goldilocks tint”. I tried the t6-4c. Too warm for me. Gave it to a friend.

Okay, I’ve rambled on enough :wink:


yelz y3 about 25$

Hey Suncoaster, is your Y3 stock or modified?

It’s stock.