I am going to build a light for camping use. I will be using a qlite driver (Rev.A) and the convoy M1 host.
I need to decide on a LED (xml2).
I was thinking of either:
t6 4c (4250-4500K)
t6 3c (4750-5000K)
t4 5B1 (4125-4250)
I am picking these as they are all the neutral/warms that are available at intl outdoors.
Any ideas as to which would be best for outdoor use? I believe that the driver uses PWM so there is no color shift between modes.
Does anyone know of any other place to buy a single xml2 on a 20mm star?
August 5, 2013, 8:56pm
t4 5b1 gets my vote
i have lights with all three emitters, if you are going to do something other than cool white for max output i would get the t4 5b1 as it renders colors outside very nicely (i have one in my c8 host)
intl outdoor is the only place i know that sells this on a star - i bought mine from there
August 5, 2013, 9:02pm
t4 5b1.
Just order a rook of em as your going to end up swapping most of your other emitters.
Good choice of host too, I love my m1 and that just had an xm-l 4c, the hi cri emitter will surely make it a favorite.
August 5, 2013, 9:11pm
t4 5b1 and it will be a pleasure to switch the light on outdoors.
August 5, 2013, 9:26pm
I’d go for the XML2 T4 bin 5D2 80+CRI, not mentioned above.
Hank was nice enough to put one on 20mm Noctigon in a XtinD V4 for me and it such a pleasing tint.
It should be just slightly warmer (3875K-4000K) and less yellow than the 5B1 tint.
It’s also available from Int’ Outdoors here on 16mm but I’m sure Hank can put it on 20mm for you.
Do you guys think the M1 is a good choice for a camping host? I was considering the c8 but was worried it might be too throwy.
August 5, 2013, 10:18pm
the m1 is a great host full stop, well built, politely small without being a pure tube,tailcap lock out, I can’t see how you can go wrong.
(Rusty Joe)
August 5, 2013, 10:20pm
T6 3C is my vote. Too warm doesn’t work for me.
August 5, 2013, 10:40pm
I’d go with the 80 CRI emitter. The higher the CRI the better. A 4000-4500K emitter with less than 80 CRI often gives everything a slight yellow tint. A 4500-5000K emitter with less than 80 CRI often gives everything a slight green tint.
The M1 should be a good host as long as you don’t plan on spotting objects more than 70m away. Otherwise, go with the C8.
August 6, 2013, 5:23am
August 6, 2013, 5:28am
Hmmm, glad I didn’t paste in the full million digits…
August 6, 2013, 6:16am
can I have a slice of pie?
So fasttech just came out with some xml2 neutrals. hmm,
so t5 on aluminum or t4 on copper?
Any ideas as to which would give better performance?
I am leaning towards the t5 just becasue I don’t plan on running it on max output that often (so copper may not be that beneficial)
August 6, 2013, 5:37pm
The T4 from intl-outdoor is 80+ CRI. The T5 from FT, is 75. If you are not that interested in max output then bin should not be a deciding factor.
80 CRI minimum > 75CRI typical
Copper MCPCB > aluminium MCPCB
August 6, 2013, 5:40pm
Here you go: 0.39269908169872415480783042290994
August 6, 2013, 5:44pm
CRI has nothing to do with what you say. It sound like you are describing color tone.
On the ansi/tint picture thingy. Left to right changes color temperature. Up and down changes tone. If you have issues with yellow and green, move further down, away from the typical "C" tints.
August 6, 2013, 5:43pm
Oh, and my vote is for the T4-5B and the M1 is an awesome host for what you want. ;)
August 6, 2013, 5:44pm
80CRI XM-L2? I whish I had never clicked on that thread. Now I need all my remaining self control to wait with my order until next month.