Help me decide on a keychain (1) AAA/10440 light.

A nail with a small flat head. You could try a dab of super glue on the head, and stick it onto the end of the battery…and yank. Silicone or loktite might work also.
…anyway, that’s what popped into my head.

If you know anyone who reloads their own ammunition, they might have a bullet puller you could borrow. It looks like a plastic hammer, with a collet in the head to grip the cartridge case. A few enthusiastic whacks against a solid surface usually persuades the bullet to slide out. It might be worth a try on your light.

I’ve been using the Efest unprotected imr 10440 that seems to have better current supply than TF cells.

Thanks rivet…good idea. I improvised and whacked it upside a 2x4 a couple times and the battery dislodged. BTW…2x4s are good for obstinate teenagers as well.

Found out it is not the long strip the length of the battery that caused the battery to stick, but the protection circuit deal on the + side of the battery. It is a slightly wider diameter. I used a rat tail file to ream out the opening of the flashlight body, and now the battery fits without getting stuck. Does that qualify for a mod? :bigsmile:

How many modes does your Yezl S7 have? It seems those from Wallbuys have 5 modes, whereas these have 3 (no strobes).

It is a 5 mode…not sure if there is a way to turn off the blinkies…no instructions included.

They have a website and the S7 is here.

I advise you choose the Ti2, it has two modes. 3 and 81lumens.
this is their ebay store:\_i.html?\_fsub=3701744012&\_sid=1127024652&\_trksid=p4634.c0.m322

Why are some of the Ti2s $199.00?

Nevertheless…I settled on a Fenix LD01.

I suppose they are out of stock.

sorry about this,I asked them, The black Ti2 is out of stock,

Why? “Protected” cells run & run then Poof¿ Dark!

Quality NiMh work great.
If the staff buys em, Go Energizer Lithium disposables.

All the light choices look good to me.
My favor for police work is a unit that starts on Hi!

professional quality all along

congrats to the expensive choise!

One of the nitecore SENS line? Sens CR / AA are both good choices, and if you’re interested there’s more than enough room to glue a pair of neodymium magnets in the tail and still use a lanyard. I really like the auto-dimming feature.

I’d avoid the sens mini though. I have one, and needed to either buy primaries or get these itty-bitty low-capacity li-ion batteries for it. Lower capacity than 16340 or 14500, and not really worth the size reduction IMHO.

Oh, yeah. ~$23 at fasttech.

Oops, just noticed you purchased. Teach me to leave a reply open for a few hours.

Congrats on the new light!

Thanks for everyone’s advice. I really love the Fenix and have used it twice at work and many times out in the ‘free world’. But feel free to add other recommendations as one can never have enough…and others are surely searching for a similar AAA/10440 light.