Help me decide on which LED & Tint for my D4KTI for long night walks

I am buying a D4KTI for (mostly) nighttime walks.

I want to maximize runtime (so I can minimize range anxiety). I want a ~2700K tint because I find that more relaxing.

I have a D4V2TI with E21A, R9080 Warm White, 2700K, and I really like that LED and tint. But I wonder how efficient it is compared to other LEDs.

I will be getting the boost driver. Absolute max output is not as important as efficiency for longer runtimes.

All else being equal, I would like more throw (I realize this is a floody light, but if some LEDs offer more throw, that could tip me in their favor).

Given the above specifications, what would you pick for my specific need?

  • Warm White - SST20 2700K 95CRI
  • E21A, R9080 Warm White, 2700K
  • 519A 2700K with dome
  • 519A 2700K dedome
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I don’t know about the efficiency, but you should probably step up the cct on the dedomed 519 if you want to end up at 2700. They warm up when you dedome them.

What is the “cct”?

How can I step it up?

I figured I would ask ChatGPT what it thought of the different options, and here is what it had to say.

I have no idea if this is correct at all.

519A 3500K dedome would land on similar color temperature.

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Excellent suggestion, this is as efficient+throwy as it gets for 2700-ish K CCT.

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Your cct is the color temperature, in this case you’re looking for 2700K.
When you dedome a 519A, the color temperature of the LED gets warmer than it was originally. That means that for the dedome option, if you want to land at 2700 you probably need the original LED to be aroung 3500K.

Not a clue about D4s, but decide first if you like hotspot+spill from a reflector, or mostly hospot from a TIR lens. If it’s got a reflector, maybe a 17mm TIR lens would be better, or v/v if you like the opposite.

Dedoming loses you some lemons, even though you get more throw.

So basically, it’s just a balancing act of a few different factors.

I’d deal with 'range anxiety" by just carrying a spare cell, and just pick the beam I like best.

I really like the idea of going with the 3500K dedomed. I think that will be a healthy amount of lumen hours, good throw, etc.