Help me find CR2 lights!

If only they sold an alternate back end for the E07, cut down to cr2 length with just a normal twisty on/off. That would be a really nice little light.

I know the aurora was a bit on the bigger side for a CR2, however, it will make a nice addition to my collection being my first stainless steel light :) Unless my maratac gets here soon, then it will be my first polished stainless light lol.

It isn't really polished, it is more of a satin finish - which means it doesn't show every fingerprint. I've no doubt it could be polished to a mirror shine, but then you'd need gloves to handle it.

Ah, ok, well thats nice too! This way I wont feel bad having it in my pocket getting marked up with fingerprints and keys rubbing on it.