I didn’t notice it was your first post, welcome!
Was the A6 throw adequate? IIRC it has an XP-L emitter, the SST-40 will be similar but brighter while also drawing more power and running hotter on max.
An SFT-40 will be similar to the SST but throwier (it’s a SST-40 without the dome), and you can get much throwier LEDs that that such as a an Osram CSLPM1.
Here is a list of S2+ that people have mentioned: Convoy store S2+ search
and here is it with an SFT-40 : Convoy S2+ SFT-40
which has a regulated max mode of 5A, which is similar to max mode on the BLF A6.
I find the S2+ to be a little more slippery to hold than the A6 but that may just be because it doesn’t have a clip. You can buy a clip though, and/or a lanyard if that’s convenient for how you use it.
From a beam pattern point of view the SST-40 and XM-L2 will be similar to the XP-L in your A6, and will be similar brightness to the naked eye. The SFT-40 and XP-L HI will be pointer as they are the dedomed versions, the SST-20 will be slightly pointier still and you’d notice a reduction in the spill amd will be slightly less bright overall, an Osram CSLPM1 even pointier, and an Osram CSLNM1 very pointy indeed
I’ve not experienced the Nichia 519A and don’t quite know where it fits in, the Nichia 219B will be similarish to an XP-L Hi but will be much less bright as it’s the price to be paid for the quality of the High CRI beam.
The LH351D will be similar to the A6, and a 5700K High CRI version will be cool while showing up colours better.
This is just in the Convoy S2+ but will hold true for other hosts of similar size with a similar sized reflector, of which there are many.
One difference between the A6 and the S2+ is the A6 uses a FET driver, which means it became dimmer as the battery depleted whereas
the S2+ uses regulated modes so the brightness stays the same.
It also means that the A6 max mode effectively connected the battery straight to the LED, so different LEDs would draw different currents dependent on their characteristics, and some LEDs simply wouldn’t be suitable for this kind of driver, whereas with the Convoy drivers the max current delivered will be the same for all LEDs as long as they can handle it and the battery can provide the power.
My instinct says that the SST-40 would work for you, and that i would look at the 5700K LH351D for better CRI (better colours), or the SFT-40 for more throw as i would personally choose both of those over the SST-40.
The XM-L2, XP-L, and XP-L HI (all Cree LEDs that predate the SST-40) would also work, especially if you want a different colour temp or tint, some people can find the SST/SFT/LH351D a bit green but that’s personal taste, and the XM-L2 has quite noticable tint shift which you may not like.
That info is just for background info really, hope it’s not too much.