By default this driver has moon, low, med, high - in this mode there was not any turbo.
Then I fiddled something after those 19 clicks when it started blinking and strobe (I really don’t know how)
and now I have this order: turbo or high?, low, med high
Anyway if I really got turbo mode with this it is very bad cause it only draws 4,4A out of original old xp-g2 s4 2b all that measured with unmistakable uni-t clamp meter and lux meter which showed only 280 kcd in B158B 50mm aspheric host where I usually have around 340kcd with my diy fet driver.
So please help me to set up this thing to brightest possible turbo mode please! And if possible let it be first mode. Turbo than anything else…
Edit: Just to mention that I swapped original fw clicky switch to omten rw clicky one.
You’ve been a member here since 2013 and haven’t yet figured out that this ain’t gonna happen? At least not unless this thread for some reason gets real nasty.
The problem no longer exists. The driver lets just as much current through as other FET drivers.
It turns out that the lux meter that was used had a problem. It was reading too low.
Mine diy was about same as this TA one… And all unnecessary hours of work I had to done because of lux meter to return at same setup again :person_facepalming:
Anyway I learned that I should always have backup lux meter so cheap UNI-T UT 383 is on its way.
I am not that good with this blinkies they are driving me mad… But now I even learned how to change modes