Help needed for picking 21700 replacement battery for TO50R

I have a Wuben TO50R with the original Wuben branded battery.
It is 3 years old and doesn’t keep the charge as long as it used to, so I am looking for a battery replacement.

Wuben sells the battery on their site but, at close to $27, I was wondering if a lot of the price is just paying for the brand.
I’m also interested to know which alternative battery brand would work in case the company ever disappears.

I did find several links in the forum and there seem to be the “flashlight company branded” 21700 batteries , usually around 25$ , and the other ones around 10-14$.

But besides the potential “brand tax”, I see there are other differences between batteries and this is where I’m getting lost.
What I do know though, is that it would be a protected battery, with button top, to match the original one.

Specs of the original Wuben battery :
ABD4800 : Protected 4800 mAh - 3.7V - 17.76Wh (printed on the battery)
The doc that came with the flashlight also states:
5V/2A charging
5V/2A max discharging voltage and current, compatible with less than 2A discharging

The website has a few more info:

- Max current: 20A , Weight: about 80g (in the description area)

- Max discharge current of 25A (further down in the “high Capacity” paragraph)

  • Max current 25A (?) and Weight 72.3g (in product parameter at the bottom of the page).

This is were it’s getting confusing. For sure there is a contradiction on the site itself regarding the “Max Current”.
But is “Max Discharge Current” also the same thing as “Max Current” ?

Checking other vendors, I see that the “high drain” 21700 are the ones that get a “Max current” that is close (but typically lower than 25A).

Below is the closest I have found but it has some differences and I’m not sure of the impacts:

21700 Acebeam IMR21700NP-510A 5100mAh High Discharge Protected Button Top
Typical Capacity: 5100 mAh
Nominal Voltage: 3.7V
Discharge End Voltage: 2.5V
Standard Charge Current: 1.5A
Max Continuous Discharging Current: 20A
Weight (max): 72.5g
74.8.8mm (L) x 21.4 mm (D)

The TO50R has an integrated USB charger and the doc says “5V/2A charging”.
Since the Acebeam is listed as having “Standard Charge Current: 1.5A” , would that mean that the TO50R integrated charger would send too much amps to the battery ?

Overall, how much variance can a replacement battery have ?
Or am I stuck to buy a wuben battery and if the company folds down, I would not be able to find a replacement (or only some battery with lower specs that would not provide the same “level of service” as the original one ?).

Thank you.

If the flashlight will accept it, I recommend the MOLICEL/NPE INR-21700-P42A.

It's one of the best high drain 21700 cells out there, and it's not that expensive.

Yes, incredible battery.

The bit about “2 amp Max discharge” relates to using the flashlight as a power bank. So that’s not related to the battery. As long as the button in the head of the flashlight protrudes some, you could likely use a flat top 21700 battery. Do not buy a battery that’s any longer than what you currently have. Any 21700 battery can easily be charged at 2 amps. That flashlight comes with a sleeve to use an 18650. For that you probably would need a button top for the extra length.

Max current is often a bit optimistic but it just depends on the particular cells and/or brand. Have you ever checked out HKJ’s awesome cell comparator tools? He and Mooch do great tests that tell the truth. That and actual amp draw measurements from reviews/tests can help to pick what works best. I mean pretty much they will all work as long as there are no issues with physical parameters like cell length or the need for a button top, etc, it’s just that you may notice reduced light in turbo and/or shorter turbo times before the lumens step down more.

Protected cells often add enough resistance and limit current so that turbo won’t be as bright as what you see with a normal unprotected cell. I’m not sure about Wuben’s battery here but the protection circuits have improved in those aspects (Keeppower has some great ones) but not every protected cell model/brand chooses to use them.

Looks like this light does require a button top for 18650 but with 21700 you can use anything you like. Their cell is already 75mm or 76mm with the protection circuit board tacked on. I think some of the Nitecore protected cells get even longer but most are right where yours is. So…the world is your oyster.

If you wish to stick with a protected cell then the Keeppower P2150TC might be worth a look. Has onboard usb charging but it can still deliver the current this light wants on turbo (albeit with more voltage drop than a good unprotected cell)….$14 at Illumn. HKJ did a test on that one, looks fine. A tad over 76mm but that should be fine. They also have the older black-wrapper cell but I would pass on that one unless turbo really doesn’t matter much to you.

Li-ion Wholesale has the Vapcell 2150A protected w/usb, and from HKJ’s test it appears to maybe be the exact same cell/circuit although maybe the Keeppower keeps initial voltage level just a tad better for a little bit if what’s shown on his graphs is enough of a difference in reality to be significant (it may not be). $11 for that: Protected Vapcell P2150A 21700 10A Button Top 5000mah USB Battery - Ge – Liion Wholesale Batteries

These look like they should get your 4500mAh or better, depending on how you use your light, and I’d suspect they’re about the same as your Wuben cell.

If you go with an unprotected good cell like the Molicel P42A 4200mAh you’ll likely see better/brighter turbo and probably still be able to bump up into turbo for a longer period of time as the cell depletes, but you’ll probably loose a half amp hour of run time. The Samsung 40T is very similar, maybe just slightly edged out by the Molicell.

If you’re not focused on turbo then there are several good 5000mAh to choose from……Samsung 50E being the baseline. If you can find the Samsung 50G it would be excellent but thus far I can’t find them in the US. LG and Vapcell have good ones to consider. Lishen also has a couple, and the Sofirn-wrapped cells are good Lishen models (either in 4000 or 5000 capacities)….and if you want a Sofirn light they include the batteries for cheap if you want.

The one thing that I might want to check out is just how well standard 70mm cells work in that light if you bump the tail in use. The irritating trend of using solid contact posts on drivers instead of springs leads to some lights briefly cutting out, changing modes, or even cutting off if electrical contact is broken by the cell’s weight maxing out the tail cap spring travel and allowing a gap at the positive end for a moment. Suppose it’s fine in this light since it will take button-top 18650, but something to consider.

Usually brand rewraps are just overpriced and there’s no great reason to stick with them whether they’re good cells or mediocre cells (exceptions being the proprietary stuff that forces you to use the brand’s own cells sometimes).

$18+ for a cell is robbery, and $25 is downright obscene.

1 Thank

I’ll add……the good thing about 21700 cells is that there seems to be a lot less variability in quality and performance compared to what we have seen over the years with 18650 and all the dishonest shenanigans. Most of them do very well within their categories, so to speak. Main thing I’d watch out for is not buying off brand stuff and/or from questionable sellers…end up with some worn out tired used cells from cars/bikes/tools or something.

Thanks all for the comments.

Considering the flash light might end up being used and charged by anyone, I went with the protected Keeppower P2150TC.

Cheers !

Enjoy…it should keep you in business! :slight_smile:

Got an analysing charger? I always check new cells (even if come-with cells) and make sure they’re at least within 10% of stated capacity.

With a light being on/off/on/off/on/off/etc., and at various levels, actual use-time might vary and be purely subjective.

Anyhoo, the 40T used to be the dog’s balls, but I think the Moli above is the new Golden Child lately. :laughing:

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