help needed from the laser gurus

The add for the one I linked says 1.5-2a... Wasn't sure if these things can be overdriven like the LEDs.

Never modded a 2 cell light so no clue on buck drivers out there. Any good ones 2-3 mode, no flashies, that does 1.5-2a? Seen some on IOS, it they are 2.5 and 3a. Also on my cell with a shattered screen so I may have missed something lol

2.5-3a? Too high.
Even 2A can be pushing it. Depends on the individual diode if it going to like 2A. Some output less at 2A then at lower current, like 1.8A.

The closest datasheet nichia had for multi-mode blues listed max 1.7A.

There are two current 445nm blue diodes, the M140 and the 9mm.

The safe max current for an M140 is 1.8A and 2.3-2.4A for the 9mm.

If the diode is pretty efficient, it can be pushed a little bit harder because it will generate less heat at the same current.

It still seems to me that a 7135 driver could be used with 6volts (4 Ni-mh or 2 Li-Po's). The emitter's Vf is 4.6 volts (+ or -). The 7135's consume .1 volt and then you have voltage sag. 7135's work fine like that in flashlights with even lower Vf emitters.

EDIT: Not sure if Li-Po's would be pushing 7135's too hard. Never tried it. Potting the driver would probably make it work if it didn't work just connected normally.

Just wanted to let people know, I had got my L2n for this project. After a filing off that little ridge inside the head, the heat sink fit right in

Note the ever so small gap between the head and body. Its about 1/32". If it bugs me too much, I can put a blue oring there haha. It is hardly noticeable though.

Now I just need my driver and diode....

Looking good Pulsar.

thanks! i am hoping this is a one time deal, and get it right the first try. these diodes are too expensive for me to keep playing with i think lol

Hopefully I will be able to get my driver next week on payday. Sold my Mag mod yesterday, so I been tempted to just drop that $80 on driver and diode, but we need that money right now for other things.

Still undecided if I want to go buck or boost though. Guess I will have to see what has the best value, feature and price wise

all of the drivers I have been looking at are out of stock... anyone know of a good driver that will get me right around 1.8a, either buck or boost? needs to be in stock. and guaranteed not to fry a $60 diode

Bump for Pulsar's driver question

Thanks. Also needs to be 17mm, not much room in the heat sink for the square types that would be used with a contact plate


Sorry, haven't been building lasers in a long while, so haven't kept up with drivers much.

Check with DTR, Jayrob, or Lazeerer over on LPF, one of them is guaranteed to have a driver for you.

Thanks! I sold my terrarium today, and guess how much for???? $60. So, I am pretty sure I will be ordering my diode tonight!!

Nice, I actually just bought a laser today, my first laser purchase in about 9 months now. Finally joining the 3.5W+ club. Next step up has to be with dual or tri diodes.

what color is it? guessing red or green

You need a 1 x 18650 driver?
DTR seems to have the x-boost 16.8mm round adjustable driver in stock.

I would have him set the current lower.

It seems direct driving with one Li-ion is an option while waiting to find the perfect driver match. Wouldn't this diode draw about 900mA direct drive at 4.2 volts (Less with voltage sag)? I know that is far from 1.8 amps, but would'nt it still be a very powerful laser none the less?

Well, like I said I had sold my terrarium for $60, and been holding off on buying this to see how our funds held up...

Bought the diode just now. Probably next week after xmas I will locate a proper driver for it and will have it complete.

Yea! Congrats O Evil One.

I have you to blame for putting me on this trip. You get some glasses yet?

no, I should probably order them along with my driver next week. kind of forgot along the way buying the other stuff lol