Help needed [TD01C] Will this affect the flashlight's throw range?

Hey. I just received a new TD01C. During testing, I noticed that the hotspot looks asymmetrical, as if one side of it is bulging out.

In the shown picture, there seems to be a bulge in the hotspot towards the right. We think it may be a misaligned center ring or emitter. Would this affect the throw range negatively? Thanks in advance.

Thanks for stopping by, LostIdea!

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IMHO, when you take any flashlight that has 1/4 mile throw and bounce it off a wall 10 feet away, you will undoubtedly see some irregularities.

There is nothing wrong with your light.

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Thanks for your feedback. I admit I am new to flashlights as a hobby. I was just concerned because I suspect I’ve been sent a used or returned TD01C by mistake. Scuff marks on the bezel, even a scratch or crack (can’t quite tell) on the lens itself. Something went wrong and the package was abused in transit or I was sent a returned unit somehow.

Also, I also have an Aplos T05 which also throws just around the same distance as the TD01C. The T05 does not have this kind of irregularity in spite of that fact.

If you would really like to have those of us that are not new to this hobby determine if you’re being too picky, then use your best photography skills to highlight the “scuff marks” on the bezel and the “scratch or crack” on the lens, and then post those photos.

If this is the crack that you are referring to, it’s normal.

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A gap in the TIR, nice.

Yeah no, that isn’t the crack I mean. It goes from the center of the lens to the outer edge.

And I’ve already taken it up with support, they agreed the markings were not normal and were kind enough to refund 20%.

I would have asked them for a replacement lens. It’s simple enough to swap out (assuming your copy of the light isn’t superglued shut) and would probably have cost them nothing to ship out to you.

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