G'day Scorpia,
I suggest you consider the BLF X6-SE V2/Astrolux S2/Astrolux SS torches, these use ToyKeeper's Superb Bistro firmware/UI. Bistro was developed after the A6's firmware (also ToyKeeper's creation).
This firmware enables you to configure a multitude of mode groups, including "Muggle Mode":
~toykeeper/flashlight-firmware/tiny25 : Contents of ToyKeeper/bistro/bistro.txt @Revision 208 (by ToyKeeper) (Rev 206 used by Manker for BLF X6/X5)
Astrolux S2 U$24.99 CREE XPL-HI 1400LM EDC LED Flashlight 18650
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Configuration options:
The config mode has several options. It will blink out a number to
show which option is active, then "buzz" or "stutter" for a bit.
Click during the "buzz" to select that option. Some options may
enter a secondary config mode after the light turns back on.
Options include:
1. Muggle mode / simple mode. Good while lending the light to
others. It overrides other config settings temporarily:
- low/med/high, in that order, with high at about half power.
- no moon, no memory, no medium-presses, no hidden modes
- the only config option is the option to exit muggle mode
2. Mode memory. Off or on.
3. Moon. Select to turn moon mode on or off. This is in addition
to the other regular modes, so you get 2 to 9 levels when moon
is enabled.
4. Mode order. Low to high, or high to low.
5. Mode group. Choice of 1 to 6 regular modes from low to turbo,
or one of 3 special groups. After clicking, the light should
come on in a special group-select mode. In this mode, it
slowly blinks 9 times, pauses, then repeats. Turn the light
off after N blinks to select mode group N.
The mode groups are: (output is approximate)
1. 1300 lm only
2. 8, 1300 lm
3. 8, 235, 1300
4. 8, 104, 506, 1300
5. 8, 75, 254, 642, 1300
6. 8, 50, 167, 366, 757, 1300
7. 140, 1300, strobe
(police modes)
8. bike flasher, battcheck, 8, 140, 1300
(biking modes)
9. 4, 36, 140, 500, 1300
(like group 5 but lower)
Example: To select group 3 (low-med-high), let it blink three
times then click the button.
Note: 140 lm means 100% on the 7135 channel, while 1300 means
100% on the FET channel. Both are no-PWM modes.
6. Medium-press. Off or on. If on, a medium-press will allow
going backward through the mode sequence, and hidden blinky
modes will be accessible.
7. Thermal calibration. Set the temperature at which the light
will begin stepping down to cool itself off. After clicking to
select this, the light should turn on in a special thermal
calibration mode. It will start at a medium-low brightness,
wait a second or two, then step up to turbo.
- To turn off thermal regulation, click within the first second
(while the output is relatively low).
- To set a new maximum temperature, leave the light on until
you think it is too hot, then turn it off. From this point
on, the light will use that new temperature as its maximum
allowed heat.
Note that there may be a delay between when you feel the heat
and when the MCU feels the heat, so the value saved may be a
little bit lower than expected.</code></pre>
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Best Regards,