You could ask Hank Wang. He can sell the bare Emisar D18 copper MCPCB which has 18 3535 led footprints for 10$, I think.
But those MCPCBs are all 3V while the L6 uses 6V with the long tube. Which kind of driver are you planning to use?
There is no spacer sold that I know about. I have made a copper spacer for my modified flashlight in this years Old lumens contest. The optics and MCPCB of the Mateminco MT18S fit perfectly in the L6. Here is my build thread: Matainvoy ML18S
Just made some quick drawing, and it is possible to fit 3x ∅20 mm MCPCBs within ∅44 mm in a triangle shape. This makes it possible to use 4x3535 MCPCBs, which someone once called “frankenquads”. Frankenquads are available in 4S1P, 2S2P and 1S4P configurations, affordably being sold here for example (note: I once bought the single ∅20 mm 3535 MCPCB there and it wasn't DTP; the ∅20mm 5050 “XM-L” dubbed one also looks bad). This means you have complete flexibility, depending on which MCPCB types and their wiring choice, in selecting how you could drive up to 12x 3535 emitters: 1S12P, 2S6P (3x 2S2P quads in parallel), 3S4P (3x 1S4P quads in series), 4S3P (3x 4S1P quads in parallel), and even 6S2P and 12S1P.
Brilliant build, Skylight, I’d missed that one somehow! Love how it’s suggested a whole bunch of times in this thread by different people
To give some more context for my original post, I’m trying to build a multi-emitter, 365nm UV monster, mostly for mineral collecting.
I’ll try and find a driver once I’ve more of a firm idea of the final design!
The Acebeam X18 has 16x 276A Nichia LED’s, I believe this is c.11.2mW UV output- I’m hoping to build something with at least this output.
Those 20mm frankenquads look good for a v.easy UV mod, 4x LG3535 LED’s in 2S2P should do …7W? of longwave UV? And they should (hopefully) fit in the XHP-70 footprint, so minimal modification of the reflector would be required!
Thanks all, keep the suggestions coming, I’ll do a build diary post once design/parts are sorted!
you can’t use regular TIRs on 365nm
The Nichia NVSU333A is still a great fit on the L6, fits the same MCPCB, gets a much narrower beam than even dedomed XHP70.2 as the die is a lot smaller
you could use my buck driver to run it from 2S
you have to be aware that many UV LEDs in 365nm have a really high voltage, so a single cell driver can use them only with mostly full cell with 100% output
Agree, Agro, but filing MCPCBs requires care to avoid shorts. Maybe milling first the conductive tracks above, then cutting/filing the required bulk of each MCPCB.
Wow so what kind of optic do you aim to use gravelmonkey? Stock reflector with the above suggested NVSU333A would give some decent throw, while 3x of these could even be possible and nicely feasible in 3S1P with some powerful boost driver fed with 2S cells for some crazy UV output power. 3S UV led voltage is within range of a 4S or “12V” white led driver, and maybe Lexel could provide some special power driver here? O:)
Going to have to be a mule or reflector due to the nature of TIR lenses blocking UV.
I did start this investigation with the aim of monstrous UV output but maybe the NVSU333A in stock reflector would result in a more impressive light (due to the usual visual impact of throwers being more impressive than flooders).
Definitely don’t have the skills/budget for 3 of them!!
There are also many of the 4*3535 20mm diameter frankenboards which I think will fit. I’ve had a look but can’t find anyone fitting one into the stock L6 reflector with any LEDs (I’d have thought someone would have made a quad Nichia 219 or something!)
Might have to scale back my ambitions to build something more than a quad, it’s a while since I’ve soldered anything