Hi- I received my L6 about two weeks ago, and am having trouble. I have tried two types of 26500 batteries- the LiitoKala ones, and some Supfires. With the LiitoKala cells, I get nothing. I added magnets to see if there was a problem with length, but nothing. With the Supfires, the LED would flicker as I was seating the tail cap, but once I had it threaded, nothing. I also tried some 18650 cells in sleeves, with results the same as the Supfires.
Has anybody else had trouble with theirs? What can I do to troubleshoot? Do I need different batteries?
Thank you for any assistance that can be offered. I feel bad having a light that I can’t use.
Bridging did demonstrate that the light will work. I may need different cells, as these are flat tops, but I thought with magnets they would make sufficient contact.
I did remember both switches.
I have not installed the tactical ring as of yet. Should I try doing so?
He’s talking about a different ring. On the l6 after you take the tailcap off there is another ring that pretty much blends in with the light. With some people it seems this piece keeps the batteries from making a solid connection.
For the liito Kala 26650 mine wouldn’t work in series. So I took a small knife and slightly bent each of the 4 prongs up and now they work perfectly. Some people can use them as is. Others need magnets/jax connector etc.
Just like some people have problems using 30q in series I’ve never had a issue. Same with these batteries
Only one magnet is needed….You did install the magnet so that it is BETWEEN the 2 batteries? Right? The head and tail springs fit the flat tops just fine… just checking
However- the additional information regarding the ring helped. I found it, and turned it so it was closer to the head, and lo and behold, the light worked (with LiitoKala cells and one magnet between them.) I feel better- thanks for walking me through it. I know have a light I can use. And, I’ll watch for deals on button top cells. What do folks recommend?
I didn’t do that, but once I screwed down the tactical ring retainer (I am not sure what the official name is) so that the tail cap could make contact on the non-anodized portion of the tube, it worked (with one magnet between the two cells.) I am not sure if it would work with no magnet, as I haven’t tried that yet, but I will with both brands of cells that I have. Thanks!
My initial assumption was that it would come ready to go, just add batteries. I didn’t even see the retaining ring, so didn’t realize it could be the issue. Thanks to the advice here, I am good to go.