I need to find a 15mm driver that will go into DD on high and be able to survive a single IMR 14500 driving an XM-L.
All the 15mm drivers I can find spec ~1amp on high, know any that jump to DD on high?
How much current are you hoping to feed the LED from a 14500?
As much as that poor IMR will give! (realistically ~3amps but not for long periods due to heat concerns). I could just DD it, but want a low mode(s) so it could be on for longer than a minute at a time. Basically an EDC with a daft high mode for short intervals.
I was sure that I had read about some drivers that high mode is just DD. Of course when I actually need one, I can’t find it.
I'm not awaure of such a small driver that can do that but if you find one let me know.
I have an XML in a Romisen RC-G2 and no driver. It draws 2.6 amps from a Trustfire 14500. I only use it for short periods.