Help with EDC18

Real quickly let me say that I’m a casual flashlight fan and have read posts here for a few years. Mainly to get an idea of what would be a good light for my needs, and still have something brighter and “cooler” than the old Streamlights I have
But now I want to mod my EDC 18, and I’m unsure about the disassembly process.
There was a post I found …

…from some time ago, and I really liked what he had done. My thoughts were that once that bezel was removed it would just be like making a sandwich in reverse, but only the bezel comes out for me. That little plastic lens cover seems to be attached to something and it definitely doesn’t just slip right out. Obviously I’m not prying or poking anything without knowing more.
So, am I missing something really obvious or have I spent a few dollars on things that I can’t use without some arcane skills? I didn’t think this would be very hard, because I’m known to void warranties regularly, and always fix what I disassemble… so far.
Any help would be appreciated.

PS. If it helps, I do have an FW3A whose tail switch died (as I expected it would) in case I wind up having issues and need extra parts

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Disclaimer, I don’t have the light. But if you removed the bezel and the lens doesn’t just fall out, try putting some painters tape on the lens to grip it and pull it out.

1 Thank

Kind of embarrassing but yeah that totally worked!
I had done this before earlier but my tape didn’t really hold it, and I kept getting trapped on the sides. I had to wiggle it back and forth quite a bit this time with stronger tape. It would lodge itself on each side as I went left and right until it climbed its way out.
I wonder if this one was just a smidgen bigger in diameter than it had to be? But who cares it’s out!
Thank you!

Warning… Lame picture

Well now, I’ve got little glow bling for my light now, :smile:
I wasn’t able to track down any tritiums, but now I feel confident that I could add some in the future.
If I can find any.
Sure do appreciate the help

Oh, was it the triple optic that was stuck? If so, those legs often get stuck in the MCPCB. I’m glad the tape worked. You can also gently pry with something like a razor blade a little bit at a time working around the perimeter of the optic.

Anyway, glad it worked. Looks great!

Here’s a slightly better shot.