I bought a 17mm and 20mm fet+7135 driver from Richard, and I’m feeling a little dumb now. I purchased them with standard 6 mode firmware, no memory. When it’s turned on, it starts at moonlight and ascends with each push (like it’s supposed to). I, however, want it to descend from high.
I saw on the description:
*Clicky Pin Functions. Soldering these numbered pins to ground will enable these features:
3 reverses mode order from the standard ascending (low to high) to descending (high to low).*
I assume he means pin 3 on the attiny, since there aren’t any stars like the nanjg drivers. I tried that, and got 1 mode only.
Is this what I’m supposed to bridge (circled in blue)?
Thanks for your help
Go here and shows the attiny13a pinout ? If that helps
I’m almost positive that I have the right pin, but don’t understand why it won’t reverse as I thought. I was hoping I was missing something simple.
A common cause of 1-mode only is led- shorted to ground. This bypasses the driver entirely and gives single mode direc drive. A slightly higher tail cap current can be an indicator but harder to detect on FET drivers. Yes, that is pin 3. The SMD next to it is the off time capacitor, it allows the mcu to detect short/long presses so make sure you didn’t dislodge or blob short it.
I don’t think I shorted it, but I guess anything’s possible. I’m going to try to work on it tonight or tomorrow night but I work in my garage, which is below freezing right now with outside temps almost in single digits at night.
A pic would help to confirm or eliminate possibilities.
I couldn’t get decent close ups with an iPhone, but I did figure something out. With pin 3 not grounded, I get ascending modes with no memory. With pin 3 grounded, I get ascending modes with memory!
Sounds weird, but works the same on both drivers. Maybe a f/w issue? Anyway, I’m happy enough with that for now.
Thanks for everyone’s help