I am building a Convoy S8 with a single Nichia 219C.
I am looking to find a TIR to fit the S8 but all TIR’s I am finding seem to be designed for the shorter S2+ and S3 Convoys.
Can anybody help advise on how to get a single TIR Optic to fit a Convoy S8? If I am not mistaken the S8 is the same size as the S2 and S6.
You wont find 20mm TIR as long as stock S2-S8 reflector.
I dont see any problem, S8 has pill, you can just screw it deeper and use it this way. Add protected cell and/or long springs and all will work great.
-Screwing in the pill deeper and modifying the spring is an option… Is changing the spring easy on the tailcap? Would lengthening this spring add more resistance and thus decrease performance?
-Do they make longer pills that can be used instead of the stock one to fulfil this exact purpose?
The Nichia 219C has very low Vf and efficiency is less than 100 lumens per Watt above 6 Watts, so you can suffice with a 5x 7135 driver, which is 1.75 Amperes.
So it’s fine to use taller springs, as long as they’re not made of ridiculously thin wire.
Does that mean the S2+ pill and S2+reflector will fit in the S8 flashlight with no issues of waterproofness from the seal at the front lens and o-ring? If that’s the case, this might be a great option.
No, I was too tied tomight, I have wrote nonsense.
S8 head have long distance without threads in front.
You need some spacer to make it work with shortened reflector or tir. 3-4mm height as I think. You can make it combining several old copper pcbs, or soldering several chinese small copper pads together.
A little late, but the nichia 219C is lovely with a TIR.
Much better than with a regular reflector.
The TIR eliminates the tint shift when it overlays spill (from the centre which goes through a convex lens) and beam (what is reflected by the parabola).
Pebbled surface will smooth it all out.
But, you will have less spill and a larger hotspot, but a less defined hotspot.
All also depends on the TIR, if it’s 10° or 30° or 45° etc…
But with a normal reflector the beam and corona tend to be a bit too yellowish and seems to miss some of the red.
The spill will be cooler white with a reflector.