So… Been in the game since ever since (not really). I’ve lurked here before, but this site’s format(before) wasn’t really my thing. I guess I’m getting used to it. Probably started collecting around 2010 as you can tell from my lights below.
-A couple of Dereelights (one with aspheric lens)
-Oveready “Shorty” with twisty copper slug
-Zebralight H51F
-(3) Manker E02H high CRI
-some Fenix Lights
-some Surefire lights (all 18mm bored)
-Eagletac D25a Clicky and P20A2
-Spark Headlamp
-Rofis R2
Personal Shelf Queens
-Oveready “Stormtrooper” cerakoted C2 with Quad P60
-Titanium D10 (Light engine donated from Tribute Edition. 2 trit slots in tail)
Recently I got a Skilhunt H04(high CRI), which is now my favorite headlamp (first 18650 HL). I wished I signed up earlier cuz I’d so jump on the H04 group buy. Scored 5 Thrunite TI3 V2 nw, Thank you so much for that post. Later down the road I plan to scoop up one of those “BLF” lights as well.
I look forward to interactions from this community. Seems like a pretty chill place if you ask me.