hi do you like 2AA battery light? Jaxman M2 is ready

It would be kinda nice to have a clip mounted to the bezel end for once……from the factory, instead of doing it all by hand myself!! :smiley: :+1:

Promo Shot! :smiley:

Very nice KB! Promo shot looking good too…. :smiley:

I wonder if there wold be any interest in a Army Green/Tan or Matte Blck colored M2? Besides the common Grey ano ? :+1:

What about a single AA/14500 size (M2) M1? :+1:

Would anybody want Jaxman to make the M2 2AA driver available for purchase? :+1:

Host’s? :+1: Smooth reflector? :+1:

Just wondering…… :wink:

Please make a single sell M2, would be all over that one! I second the request for a SMO reflector as well.

+1…… I’d be in. :wink:

I got the 2 M2’s I had ordered today. Nice looking light, like all the Jaxman lights. Packaged with them was a new Z1 and a very nice M8 as well. The M8 I already modded. :smiley:

The little M2, with freshly charged Sanyo Eneloop NiMH AA cells, pulls 0.23A in low for 90.045 lumens while high pulls 1.09A at 366.05 lumens. (These cells were bought in 2008 and used in my camera flash units. They’ve been used hard!)

I may mod one of these 2, may not. (y’all know I will!) lol

Ok, so it’s all y’all’s fault. I had to go ahead and put a Zener modified Qlite driver with 14 total chips in one of my M2 lights with an XHP-50.2 emitter. Haddadoit. Works, 3 modes, Efest V1 14500’s are charging…

With purple Efests freshly charged it does…

0.9A for 69 lumens
1.29A for 883.2
4.71A for 3015.3

I can live with that. :smiley:

These were taken with little shirt pocket sized Canon S90, the wall shot was at f/2.8, ISO800, 1/1600th of a second! Yeah, it’s pretty bright and of course, it gets hot fast. lol

Of course you had to do that, well done, it must be a pretty nice flashlight like that!
Now you need two extension tubes for six batteries total to make it run on Eneloops again.

The overall build quality and design of the M2 is just so darn pleasing! Got to looking at the 2 cell configuration, happened to have a driver on my work bench that was a OSHPark self build with 14 7135 chips on it (don’t remember doing these at all!) and it was coincidentally Zener modified already, so I took a chance on it and put it in the light. Had I purpose built it for this light I would have added all the chips on the inside to make it easier to clear the retaining ring but a simple filing off of some corners on the stacked chips and flipping the retaining ring upside down (it’s made to clear the AA cell, so it has some lee-way) and it all worked without much fuss at all.

I had the one XHP-50.2 left over and had just ordered a Convoy L2 that I intended to put it in, but who knows how long that’ll take to get here, right? lol I have a slew of SBT-70, XHP-70, MT-G2 emitters so it shouldn’t be all that difficult to come up with something when the L2 arrives. (also have a few XP-L W2 left over)

Might convert the L2 to a triple, who knows. lol

Ok, so somebody help me understand this again… the 4 dies on the 50.2 are wired 2S2P to get 6V configuration, this much I know. So at 4.71A each die is seeing 2.35A? The 2 series divides it and the 2 parallel shares? Is that correct? If so, then it’s not being pushed hard at all and the heat, while obviously present, shouldn’t be as major as a few more amps would bring in. Basically trying to figure out if it’s good at the 4.71A or should I pull a couple of the chips? (In all honesty, I really like the fact that this slim elegant light is doing a shocking 3015 lumens! :smiley: )

I could make a brass tube for Eneloops to run it, sure, but don’t see where that would gain me anything. I’ve got 40+ LSD NiMH AA cells, would rather use them in my flash units.

(still on medication for the pinched nerve in my shoulder, although I’m eliminating the one med that was causing me the most problems, so this is the first mod I’ve done in 3 weeks. Had to be careful that what I was grabbing with the left hand wasn’t hot enough to do damage as my hand is mostly numb, already did that with a reflow on a 20mm Noctigon and still have the burns on 3 fingers to remind me. Hot soldering irons/hot air stations and medicated minds don’t mix well with numb hands.)

Good luck recovering! And yes correct, the individual dies see half of the current. It is not completely like 4 separated leds because as heat sources they compete for the limited heat path. But 2.35A per die should be perfectly ok.
I have made a XHP50.2 direct drive light (50mm smooth reflector) with 2x18650 cells and no driver, and it draws 10A on 30Q’s without bypassing the springs. The led seems happy about that.

So I could, in theory, build an Zener modified FET driver for this little M2 and get close to 5000 lumens? :smiling_imp:

The J4 bin XHP50.2 that I tested put out 5000lumen at 10A, but that is bare led lumen, OTF it is more like 4200 lumen.
That is if at all you could get the 14500 cells to deliver 10A while keeping the voltage high enough to deliver 7V at the led (you will not, even not in the first seconds).
My estimate is that you will struggle to get anything over 3500 OTF.(which is a pathetic output for this huge light of course :wink: )

Had this M2 out the other evening with my wife on a brief walk and turned it on in low, she said it’s pretty nice… hit Med and it was fairly staggering… hit High and it was one of those laughing giggling matters that makes you glad you’re a modder. :slight_smile:

Hey, there’s a “flashlightmuseum” website.
Who knew?

Delete away……. I copied it for posterity sake…. along with the pics of those FANTASTIC Flashlights………. :smiley:

The lights are indeed amazing T18. :slight_smile:

Let’s get the link up here……. Flashlight Museum

Man your good Teacher and thank you both of you for the kind words on those really special lights, that their is pure loving lights big time,
I was just messaging the curator and telling him what I just witnessed,
Hanks comment might have not got to me if Hanks join date was like yesterday but it sure as heck isn’t…
So I mentioned to the museum maybe talking to the guy that runs this forum SB and ask to put our roots as a sticky here, that would be the best thing I have ever thought of at BLF frankly or maybe it’s Teacher thought of it.??
Either way I sure would be thrilled to see that, and hopeful, maybe I can stop writing checks now and he can move the donations thing on the museum site so it’s HUGE and gets peoples attention I hope…
But Teacher, your on it, get er done… brother…!!

Hey, by the way, did I send you a charger…?
I was looking around after being asked if I had one to GIVE away and the one I always wanted to get rid of is gone, so…. hum… Teacher… ha ha ha ha

Just occurred to me that even if not a sticky, signature bars works just as good in my eyes, well your signature bar is really in my face that’s for sure, man did Texax L. pay you pal…?, :laughing: And Martin, geez… your a rolling infomercial, ha ha

Yeah T-18…. I figured I’d try to put the ole’ sig line to better use and figured those two were worthy of any attention it might bring them…… :wink: