Let’s see, Deputy (23 years now) and prior Air Force before that. Martial arts instructor on the side.
Up until a few years ago I thought the AA Maglite was a pretty bright light. In fact, for a while I had a bit of a ML fetish. Couple of 5D cells, a very old 4C that was my grandfathers, a 2C and bunch of AA’s and probably 3-4 solitaires. All incandescent. Yep, good lights and really bright.
And then one day on Glock Talk (I’m a senior member on GT) I got talking flashlights with another member about LED’s. Let’s see…LED’s…oh yeah, I got one of those free at Harbor freight and Tools. Nice little light I suppose. Fortunately the other member was quite a bit more knowledgeable on the subject than I was. He turned me on to the Sipik SK68 with a link to Ebay. I’d never heard of it before. Well what the heck, it’s only $7 and the shipping is free. When it arrived I popped a AA in it and WOW! I popped in a AA because I didn’t have a 14500. I didn’t have a 14500 because I didn’t know what a 14500 was. You see where I’m going with this, a whole new world opened up!
Now to be clear, I’m still a newbie on the subject. But I’ve perhaps taken a slight step up from the incandescent ML’s (which I still have and like). So to date I’ve purchased a bunch of Sipik and Sipik-clones (best deal I’ve come across is on Amazon at $3.47 for a clone so I’ve bought a bunch for spares and gifts). I’ve also purchased several 18650 torches using the XM-L. Some are straight 18650 and some also have the AAA holder. I’m very impressed with the lot of them and so far I’ve had good success with them. I use them on duty, around the house and in the deep woods when we have an SEP gathering.
So basically, be gentle as I’m just a tad above not really knowing anything other than ‘click’ here and the light turns on.
Things I’d like to learn about (electronics is not my area):
Cheap Ebay 14500/18650 batteries. Good or bad? I’ve got a bunch of them and so far I haven’t been disappointed. But feel there is more I need to know about them perhaps? Like how many times can I expect them to recharge? Are the more expensive ones really better?
The chargers they come with. So far so good, but will they eventually fail me?
Don’t know anything about building a torch or making mods or even what mods to make.
And a bunch of other stuff I’m sure will come to mind the more I get into it.
Buy cells from a trusted seller such as Illumination Supply or Mountain Electronics. Don't buy cells with "fire" in the name. Yes, the manufacturer does matter, just as in anything else. Would you buy a Hi-standard service gun or would you buy a major brand name gun, it's true for everything. Panasonic are a good cell manufacturer, so are Sony and LG, and some Efest.
Use protected cells until you learn more. Yes, the junk chargers that come from ebay are, for the most part, junk too. Try a Nitecore I4 charger. It should take care of most battery needs.
Best thing to do is read, read, read, the threads first and develop your own opinions as you learn.
Welcome aboard Deputydave. You're in for some nice surprises. Those lights you have experienced are a shadow of what performance you can get from properly build LED lights.
The cheap ebay 14500's and 18650's are generally no good to downright dangerous. You're better off harvesting good quality build cells from OEM laptop packs or buying new quality cells.
The chargers are not good, but at least they are not generally dangerous. Just hard on the cells in many cases.
I do not like the cheap batteries, I tested one recently: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/26124
Cheap chargers does often have problems, both with the charging algorithm and with the safety.
One my website you can find a lot about batteries, both reviews, but also a few articles. I have also posted all the stuff here on BLF, where you can use the threads to ask questions and post comments about actual experience with the product.
Okay, thank you for the replies they’ve proven very helpful. From the bit I’ve read previously I suspected the cheap Ebay batteries weren’t my best option. And looking at what has been relayed so far in this thread confirms that suspicion. So would I be correct in assuming that the cheap Ebay batteries probably won’t get too many recharges? So far, the few 14500 and 18650 batteries I’ve gotten are working, and they are brighter than anything I’ve gotten so far…but I have nothing to compare them to as far as brightness, run time, amount of recharges etc.
I took a look at all the links. It seems a quality 18650 is quite a bit more than the buck that I paid off of Ebay :bigsmile: With that said, I’d of course like to get quality at the best value. I see Amazon has Panasonic CGR18650CG Rechargeable 3.6V Li-ion 18650 Battery 2250mAh for $$7.75 each. The above link has 18650 Efest IMR18650 V1 2100mAh High Discharge for $7.99. Is that about what I should expect to pay? How many times can a battery like this be recharged?
I have not tested it, but I would not expect that many cycles on a cheap battery.
Brand names are usual rated for 300 to 500 cycles. This requires that you keep the charge and discharge current below maximum values and never discharge the battery to much. It is also prohibited to over charge the battery, both with to high voltage, but also just letting it stay in a cheap charger (With good chargers there is no problem).
Note: The general recommendation is to always remove the battery from the charger when it is full, due to safety.
These are unprotected batteries, they are fine for many single battery lights, but never use them in series in multi battery light.
Here is a link to how a protected battery is constructed (This link is at the bottom of all my LiIon reviews): http://www.lygte-info.dk/info/battery%20protection%20UK.html
Welcome, I’m new here myself but I’ve learned a lot by reading. When you’ve narrowed down your next flashlight purchase search for reviews on each on by selfbuilt. He will give you plenty of information to help you make a final choice.
Also if you’re not aware most manufacturer lumen claims are overstated. You can get a more accurate measurement from selfbuilt’s reviews. I also use HKJ’s battery reviews to guide me on those purchases. Good stuff.
Thank you again for the welcomes. I’m really liking the looks of that $6 battery in your first link. It would work well in one of those Sipik SK98 clones? Assuming it is a clone, says ‘Ultrafire’.
Those batteries should work fine in a sk98 (yes, it’s a clone), or any 18650 light for that matter. Be aware that since they are coming from China, they may take upwards of a month to arrive. :_(
And thanks to all for bursting my bubble concerning my wishful thinking that the cheap Ebay batteries and chargers were of good quality.
Figure that will be a good start. Have some good batteries for primary use and save the cheaper ones for ‘just in case’ back ups. At least until I can get more of a stockpile of quality batteries to use.
Figured it was one of the clones. And you’re right about the speed delivery! Occasionally I’ll get something in a fairly timely fashion, but usually it is a good few weeks or more. Most of the stuff I don’t mind as it is a back up to stuff I already have. For example, I ordered a couple of excellent ferro rods (the ones in the orange case w/striker and lanyard for around $8 each). That was half what I paid previously so I don’t mind the wait as they are back up ferro rods.
I’ll use the cheap batteries I have until the other ones arrive then swap out. Be nice to have a quality charger as well. I have a supply of rechargeable AA and AAA as well.
Glocks are at the top of my list. Carry a G21 .45ACP on duty (230gr GD) and a G19 off duty (124+P GD). Been using and teaching them since the 90’s. Great firearm!
Wanted to revisit my intro to say thank you again. I’m really enjoying my time/participation here. Learning a LOT of new things, which is always a welcome thing.