Hi,guys the hot news hits me, some body counterfeit the XTAR chargers

Today, i am wandering on the internet, and a piece of hot news hits me. Some body made the fake Xtar products and has been punished. so we should polish our eyes.
here is the link of video on YOUTUBE:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=098SLzIyWyI
the news of their official Website:http://www.xtarlight.com/en/07-new/p-001-1.asp?id=31
:open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Just saw this on Facebook.

polishing my eyes now :smiley:

Thanks for the info. I couldnt beleive that

Very interesting!

Now what I'd like to know is:

* Do you know which vendors sold these fake chargers?

* How can the end user find out whether his charger is genuine or fake?

* If somebody bought a fake charger, what would you suggest to do?

hmmm… i wonder if the Xstar batteries i bought during Wallbuys 50% off is fake?

So.. chinese company faking chinese products is bad, but chinese company faking western products is OK. Love it.

I never thought that would even be worth news over there..

I hope that was not FastTech’s warehouse that they raided… :stuck_out_tongue:

exactly my thought! :smiley:

I am not quite sure how to feel abot these news, on one hand I am happy for Xtar, on the other hand I am concerned what comes next, because, let’s face it, we are the ones buying fakes/clones/stolen designs/etc all the time….

I panicked for a second when I thought I saw Nitecore Intellichargers in there as well.

EDIT: Sh*t. There are Nitecores in there.

Yes. When you buy western product from China you expect them to be fake. No one expects Chinese brand product to be fake.


The brand "UltraFire" ring a bell?

How to know if my WP2II or i4 I got at the 50% sale are not fake?


If Xtar wants to be taken serious for 'cracking down' on counterfeiters, they need to take it to the next level by disclosing how to ID a fake and then calling out vendors that have been selling these fakes. Concern here should not be limited to the new guys (WB and FT). We have all seen or been victims of fakes from DD or DX in the past. In fact my Nitecore i4 was from DD and I've often wondered if it was a fake. My Xtart WP2 II was bought directly from Xtar so I'm not worried.

Maybe we should ask HKJ to open up all his charger and post pic and we can do the same?

Tonight I can open up my nitecore I4 chargers. I bought one direct from Nitecore and one from wallbuys.

The only downside is I can’t remember what one is what. I think the one I’ve got at home is my wallbuys one and the one in my office drawer is the official one.

Anyone got tips on opening these up? They don’t seem to have screw holes on them

The screw holes are hidden under the rubber pads.

Yes, that is the problem. My i4 from DinoDirect does not consistently stop charging Li-Ions at 4.2, it often stops at 4.22 or even up to 4.25. After letting the cells sit for a few minutes they usually calm down a bit down to 4.2 or 4.21. It still makes me nervous and I won't leave the charger unattended. My Xtar charger, however, always stops at the exact same voltage.

I won't bother asking DD for a replacement - they would probably just send me another fake! Business goes elsewhere.

Yeah, but even though I know it isn't safe to leave charging batteries unattended,
I'm now scared of even falling asleep with them in my room lest my charger make like a dragon and start spewing toxic fumes.

Never heard of genuine UltraFire.... so no.