Ok, I made up that “sunny” bit but it made you look
I’ve been popping in here to the forums to glean what info I can into this new fangled LED thing for some time.
So much so I thought it really was about time I became a member myself.
As I seem to remember a certain Sid Vicious saying in song, a few years back -:
“Flashlights, I have a few, but then again, too few to mention.”
Hope to catch up with you all at some point in the forums
Cheers for now,
Dave C
Well, it was sunny today,
and cloudy,
and rainy,
and clear,
and windy,
and frosty,
and snowy…
and welcome
Hey Dave! Nice to have joined this forum. Luckily, flashaholics don’t necessarily appreciate the sun…
Perfect weather for golf or fishing though. Welcome to sunny and mild BLF.
Hi Dave from about 80 miles south of the border, so I’m nearly Scottish.
Welcome to BLF!
Thanks for joining the gang, Dave C!
Welcome Dave C.
Hello…welcome to the forum…you should probably let your wife hold all debit cards, credit cards, and PayPal passwords!
Welcome aboard Dave!
Hi and welcome to the mad house Dave.
Welcome! :+1: