I think that as LED lights are closing the output gap we should expect to see HID prices continue dropping. Just remember that the price you see on cnquality is without shipping included.
It weighs 4.5kg, so even by HK bulk mail that is going to cost HK$330 (About US$ 43) to ship. I suspect mainland China pays more - and it certainly takes a lot longer to arrive here in the UK.
A well-driven SST-90 is already about there with the less than 30W HIDs, the 50W ones are still ahead, but will whoever made the bulbs still be making the one you need when the first one dies? If I were in the market for an HID, I'd buy a couple of spare bulbs with it. And those bulbs are not cheap.
Basically they are reasonably efficient 30W devices when driven at their maximum current. They weren't designed for flashlight use, but for things like data projectors as an enormously cheaper light source than the metal-halide bulbs most of them have (Which tend to cost around the purchase price of the projector to replace).
They make a quad-die version, the SST-360 but that really is too big to put inside anything portable.
That was quite educative. I already thought to replace a projector lamp with a led emitter but it seems it is already done. Never took the effort to actually try as i think it would be not easy at all.
Don't have any Yezl lights, but the stainless steel one they show on the bottom of the page in the people also bought seems to be to be a rebadged Trustfire F22.
The bulb price is a lot better than I feared.
If they are trying to build a brand I'd hope the quality is excellent. But then they many not be trying to do that....
Not being able to read what I assume to be Dutch, does that say whether it ships from Germany or Switzerland. If it ships from Germany there would be no taxes, if from Switzerland, quite a lot of taxes. I think it says shipping from Hamburg in which case taxes have been paid, but if it ships from Switzerland it would probably cost me another 50 Euros in taxes and PO fees.
I'd be tempted at that price if the car didn't need major surgery - or a post-mortem.
It looked more like Afrikaans (or Flemish but I have more experience of Afrikaans) to me.... So I assumed Dutch as I thought in Germany they called the country Deutschland, not Duitsland.
Verwachte leveringstermijn varieert voor objecten afkomstig van een buitenlandse locatie.
Objectlocatie: Hamburg, Duitsland
Wordt verzonden naar: Europese Unie, Zwitserland
If I buy from within the EU, then no import duty, VAT and PO charges. If I get it from China, then there is import duty, VAT and PO fees. This can add 40% to the price.
OK, most Chinese dealers will put whatever value you tell them to on the packaging but sometimes our HMRC (Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs) don't believe the values on large and heavy packages from China and ask to see paperwork. HMRC have powers that worry the police here. They are not people to upset.
I make sure that any large package from China has an honest value on it - or get it shipped in smaller packages which is hard for a 4.5kg object.
In general I don't order stuff that is much over the local import duty limit as if it is one cent above that I have a PO clearance fee of 10 euros or 20 euros depending on whether the PO or ParcelForce (Usually known as ParcelFarce) pick it up. I have no idea at all how they distinguish which one picks it up since they are both part of the Royal Mail (Fail). There is also the problem that the Royal Fail depot is between my house and my job, the ParcelFarce depot is 20km away on the other side of the city. And I'll have to pay a lot more if I have to go there.
Ok i've been talking about this with my girlfriends father (who has a olight SR91 and a titanium innovations L35 35W hid)
as his more expensive flashlights, who are all imported.
He says taxes here have changed. It's now 10 euro's for everything.
So no matter what you order (exept maybe if it cost's over 1000 euro's or so)
and they find it you have to pay 10 euro's or at least that is what he had to do with these lamps ordered via the internet...
That 50W hid from cnquality is becoming more and more interesting... :d
Only thing holding me back now is the less then 3000 hours of bulb life and the fixed batterie which probably also has to be replaced
after 400 times of recharging or something like that..
Landed here for ~$130 (AU).OK quality light, but (despite the OP reflector in the specs) it's a smooth reflector giving a very ringy beam. It does have an impressive throw and plenty of spill. It's had 5 charges to date, and I've not had more than 50min run time yet.