Hey , I am a photographer and need a high CRI focusable flashlight for light painting work. The Eagtac D25lc2 with the nichia 219 seems nice but no zoom…Is there such a flashlight? If not could you pls inform if there is some known brand that could take a nichia mod ,or maybe build a custom one…In the later case could you please suggest the parts i would need?(Host,driver etc.)
Check out the Brinyte B158 from this group buy. You can order extra brass pills to customize your selection of LED and driver. The optical zoom quality and build quality of the B158 are excellent.
The problem you’ll run into, and I presume why there aren’t many out there, is that using an aspheric can cause chromatic aberration which might end up defeating the purpose of having a high CRI emitter.
I think some sort of TIR lens is ideal for your situation, you could then use “shades” or apertures of different sizes to reduce the effective area of light projection.
Actually, chromatic abberation only shows at the very edge of the beam a bit, almost all of the beam has a nice even white colour, so I don’t think chromatic abberation spoils the fun.
EDIT: looking at it with bit more attention, the flood beam does get more yellow towards the edge, not just at the very edge, as can be seen in the picture also.
Here’s white wall shots of a small zoomie I have modded with a 4000K 92CRI Oslon SSL80, one in flood, the other in spot position:
Chromatic abberation toward the edge is not a big concern for light painting photography as the technique involves continous moving of the beam on the target you want to paint with light.
The more important issue is the color temp, the uniformity of the beam and the ability to be able to focus on your subject.
I think i will be quite happy with a zoomie and a nichia led!
Thanks a lot man