Most of my lights are very utilitarian, like the Sofirn lights. Lots of sharp edges and not so great to hold. So I’ve been browsing higher end lights. The Noctigon KR4 that’s made of titanium and copper seems very nice. And the Emisar D4V2 Ti also looks good, both from the same intl-outdoor site.
Are there other alternatives to consider for lights that feel good in the hand and cost maybe around $100? Looking for smaller lights that use 18650, and come with neutral tints (4k-ish). And aux LEDs would be a big plus, I’ve never had one before.
I’m also a little concerned that it only takes unprotected flat top 18650’s. I have a mix of both flat top and button top, and all my lights so far can take either. Is the note on the sales page about only taking unprotected flat tops because turbo mode consumes a lot of power, or that it just won’t fit button tops?
Edit: I just watched some more youtube videos about the KR4. I’ve known about flat top 18650’s, but never had to worry about them because my lights don’t care. I went through my light collection and guess I only have 2 flat tops, and they’re not very high capacity. So maybe the KR4 isn’t the right light for me. Not just that I don’t have enough of the right batteries, but I do enjoy some flexibility in the batteries that my lights use, and flat top only might be too constraining. It kinda feels bad.