Hello like most of you guys that are on here already know if I’m here I’m a flashoholic nice to meet you.I’m in security work now and need a high output ,durable flashlight that is gonna get abused.It needs to have a 3-400 meter throw ,runtime is not that important because I can keep 6-18650 batteries charged at all times.I would like a light that will run on cr123 if needed,once again I have hundreds of them so runtime is a non issue.I have been looking at something like the extreme beam m1000,it is a good thrower that zooms out to a flooder just not enough info out there.I have looked at the led lenses x21 its a nice concept but the d battery thing is not the way I wanna go because my whole collection is cr123-18650
Any thoughts would be helpful.,and money is not a real concern either.
Fenix TK75. 2600 lumens, well made and accepts 4 18650s.
Has around 90kcd which is good for 600 meters throw till moonlight.
Also quite light and well balanced in the hand.
I have contacted fenix a lot and that light is definitely nice if it would run on cr123 it would be here already.Fenix is already working on the tk76 .
I love the tk 70 and if I could shorten it and change the input to an 18650-cr123 I would get it and yes I have studied the btu shocker.The reason a battery option is important to me is because I will take this light camping and there are times I might not have 110 power for 2-3 days.
You can wait for the TK76, but it looks really weird.
Maybe perhaps a K40, TN31 or TN30?
The TN30 has tirple the lumens of the K40 and TN31 at the cost of throw though.
Not my first choice because of battery but the coast hp314 is definitely cool.Oh crap who am I trying to kid I want them all.If my wife ever finds how how much I spent this year,wow!!!
Might I recommend armytek. The predator V2.5 is a great light for $85, they offer great runtimes (and you can “tune” it for 18650 or 2xCR123), lower output than some other offerings but at 670 OTF lumens (for the XP-G2 and >850 for the XM-L) its still plenty bight. The output is great and they are thrower monsters. The UI is also 100% customizable and you can even select the type of regulation it uses.