Hmm , batteries and Chinese new year

2017-01-10 - Notice on buying Pure Battery
All couriers are following the new rules since 2017. We are now unable to ship pure battery due to the new regulation at the moment. So please do not purchase pure battery until further notice. However, batteries with equipment are allowed:
Battery inside the equipment
Batteries shipped with equipment (maximum of 3 batteries are allowed, so if the equipment has a default battery, then you may purchase 2 more extra batteries). However, this option is available only for Fedex Express. (we will ship your package by Fedex if you choose EMS because EMS does not allow)
You are recommended to buy more batteries when is possible (with equipment) because shipping pure battery will be getting more difficult and expensive than before. Thank you for your kind attention.

2017-01-04 - IMPORTANT - Long Chinese New Year Holiday Is Coming.
The long Chinese New Year Holiday is coming at the end of Jan. All factories and suppliers are about to close for 3 weeks starting between 15th - 23th Jan 2017. They will come back between 6th - 15th Feb, and it takes usually 1-2 weeks to resume the production line normally.

Is this a global thing or specifically USA…?? :frowning:

Who is this writing the “pure battery” email? Wondering since Gearbest announced on Redit three weeks ago that they are able to ship to the US again.

GearBest is shipping via USPS for $5 now for batteries

This is from a Chinese seller of RC product …
So there are new rules ( Only for the Chinese ? or global = I don’t know )