Holy head (finished)

Yes, I previously tried the multimeter probes on the xpl and it worked. Tried again after being installed and it didn’t work. Same thing happened to the xpg.

Almost positive though that you have a 12V emitter in there. :wink:

I’ll have a look with some magnification see if I can see anything :nerd_face:

Would a multimeter light up a 12v led?

There is too little white substrate showing around the die for that to be an XP-L HI. The XP-L die is smaller than an XHP-35, more white substrate should show. I’ll try to get ya a comparison pic quick like…

OMG you are right Dale. I just powered the led with 12v and it worked :person_facepalming: Thanks mate. So the xpg possibly popped from too much current? So I need to program the driver before hooking up to the led some how….

Yep, the XP-G2 can’t take 6A, might do 5.5 from a buck driver but most 4.2V cells won’t push it to it’s optimum in a direct drive situation. Usually takes two cells and a buck driver to hit 5.5A because the Vf goes too high for one cell.

Hope I’m making sense, just woke up and no coffee yet…

Lol, of course your making sense. You haven’t had coffee and you already spotted the problem. Hats off to you :beer:

And I’m sick. :stuck_out_tongue:

My Dr. put me on an arthritis medicine about 6 weeks ago and for the past week everything I eat has turned liquid and gone straight through me. Stomach has been knotted up with cramps. Not sleeping all that well waiting for a late night gastric explosion. :confounded: Quit taking the Celebrex but stomach is still an issue. And my hip is going back out as the Celebrex leaves my system. Always something.

But still, an XHP-35 HI looks different than an XP-L HI.


Connect the driver to an XP-L2 or SST-40, turn it on and configure it to 5.5A, or maybe 5A (10 clicks, then 1 click, then 4 clicks… 4 is 5.5A, 5 clicks there is 5.25A, 6 clicks is 5A, then 10 clicks to escape configuration), good to go in your light.

I have my DBC-08 with White Flat set to 5A and it’s running great. About 760 lumens, reaches 610 yds so I’m happy with it where it’s at. Should run in the neighborhood of half an hour on the highest setting with my 16650 2500mAh cell.

OMG. Makes me wish I owned lath. Nice.

Okaay I’ve finally got it up and running :partying_face: (with some help from Dale :wink: :+1: ). The tail is still dimmer than when feeding it direct power. I guess that’s got to do with the power running through the bleeder on the driver?? I’ll probably do an emitter swap at a later date but for now I’m calling this done :disguised_face: :beer:

Before and after blackening

The jax blackener is not really wear resistant. After a few on/off’s with the bezel you can see the black is starting to wear off.

This led and reflector is kind of a throwy set up. The wall is about 3m away. When white wall hunting I can see some artifacts in the hotspot but I think that’s mainly due to the dirty led that I resurrected.

Nice detective work Dale.

pp. Stop white wall hunting before I come around and clock you with it. :heart_eyes:

Clock me and run off with my light, more like it…

I took some pics after the sun went down but it’s hard to catch it in the right light to show it off.

One thing I really like about this light is the bold contrast of colour in the pattern. Compared with my 7th O-L contest entry in the next pic, the copper in the superconductor has naturally patinated faster than any other copper I have owned. The superconductor pattern is not as obvious as it was when freshly cut.

Love how that came out, very unique and brilliantly planned! Steve won’t come near it, don’t worry about that… he’s too scared you’ll nab his driving lights! Lol

Great work from down under lately, you guys are really steppin it up!

Amazing light! If you hit the lottery, you can add jumbo tritium tubes, or just take the money and buy a yacht :laughing:

Wow. That is some impressive work, and a really nice light that you have created.

A delicious flashlight.
Very very nice.

I cannot see the first two or last three pics in post #75.