Any better now?
Doh! I’ll have to do it on a PC. Maybe tomorrow…
Are pics working now?
Looks good!
I haven’t commented much because I felt there were so many WOWs in here that mine would add much.
But this is one of the truly outstanding builds. Great job pinkpanda3310.
Thanks Agro No matter how many wow comments there are, it never grows old on me. I appreciate them all
Absolutely kewl build!
Are you sick of the wow comments or are you green with envy
Haha envy that is some very good work and takes an imagination to come up with unique design like that. Im a bit simple when it comes to decorative design. You mrnmrsdnf dbcustoms have set the bar high.
(figured since you’re down under you’d see that as WOW! )
Do you get caught up in the Next Syndrome? Seems like I get all excited to build a great light, then after it’s done I find it boring and move on to whatever’s next. lol
Lol, it takes a few days for the syndrome to take hold. I like to keep the newest light close by for a few days so i can stroke my own ego a bit
I’ve always got ideas rattling around in my head and builds i want to do. Right now i’ve had an idea which put the rest on the back burner. I’ve ordered up some parts and need to do some heavy thinking on how to put it all together. This one will hopefully have a different ¡MOM factor to ogle over
Now that you’re done with DBC-08 are you onto the next one?
Well, yeah… already chopped a 2D Maglite Chicago X style and put a Q8 reflector in it with NW SST-40’s… good for 5530 lumens on a Feilong 32650. ( I was gonna do a write up on this for the challenge as Justin was such a Mag fan but somebody threatened me with a sword and I didn’t want to have to shoot em so I let it go…)
Luminus SBT-90 Gen 2’s are on the way for the next build or mod… still negotiating with the think box on what to do with them exactly.
(08 is in my pocket actually)
There’s no reason you can’t do a write up anyway Just don’t mention the comp
You can try but those Scott’s don’t die so easy
Aye, bullitproof too
Lol, just me luck to be as much Scot as anything else…
This thread is from before I joined BLF. It was amazing to read through. And now I am amazed that I get to own this light. Will be the prize of my budding collection for sure.
Hate to think how many hours went into this light, more patience than I have for sure.
Just thought that this was a nice thread to revive, showing what can be done to make a beautiful light.