Holy Hot Spot Batman, 824kcd! (Formerly, 100mm Aspheric Lens at Fasttech)


Budget Deft-X? :stuck_out_tongue:

No offense taken Pulsar. I really only slapped that together last night to get a feel for how the lens works. It's not a real build. The lens is held on by painters tape. I think I can build something that will work good, but I would rather find an existing host.

I think the GB idea is a good one. I think we need someone with more experience to evaluate the lens first thougth. After that, if we go GB, It would need to be a zoomie with real good heat sinking.

Thats what I am thinking. Maybe design it around a cheaper multi-cell light like the King or maybe something with stacked cells.

edit: I was also thinking zoomie. It would be one I would be all over. I think it would be hard to find a host that will take a 100mm lens and have 5.5" between led and lens

Is there anyone close to me that I can lend the lens to? That would speed up the evaluation stage. I'm in the midlands of SC. I think Match's profile says he is in SC.

Please excuse my mad art skillz. Just an idea. It is drawn to rough scale on normal notebook paper to get an idea of the size it would be

edit: probably be more cost effective and better for use to put the threaded section for focus closer to the pill. Be less loss of material in machining, and most of the length could be pipe machined instead of a solid bar

Looks like mine :slight_smile:

But mine has 2 aspheric lenses once finished it will be all aluminum with a 3x18650 body like pulsar drawing so I can focus it when needed

HEY! lol.

Thanks. Now I can only imagine an over-sized SK68/98 that takes the 100mm lens - something like an SRK sized body for 4 cells and a big zoom head …

LOL. I love it. That would sell like hot cakes. Awesome idea Gotta.

Looks like it may be a bit awkward to hold for along time due to being front heavy. I think most folks will want to go big emitter due to the small hot spot when fully focused. So a 2S option would be important. Maybe an extension option would solve all that.

ImA4Wheelr, please let me know which light, what size of your PVC pipes you use… etc. I want to copy your build! :bigsmile:

bibihang, Thank you for the interest. I have 2 pieces of bad news:

  1. This isn't a viable build. It was just an improvised trial for the lens. This light is not viable as it does not have enough heat sinking at 7 amps.
  2. I don't think most of the parts will be available in your country.

So that leaves us all wondering how we can use this lens. Maybe you can help find a solution.

I have links to the light and the lens used in the OP. The PVC parts were a 1 1/2" to 3" adapter, a piece of 3" PVC Pipe, and a 3" Coupling. All parts, except the lens, were purchased at Home Depot.

Im not sure it would be that top heavy since it has 4 cells in the tube, and the front end is mostly hollow. Besides, it was just a rough sketch so I could get an idea of the size this head would need to be

Good point. Now that you mention it, the M6 is a meaty light.

Only thing that would need to be addressed would be the switching mechanism if one was to use a King/M6 as a donor. I was thinking maybe using a k40/tn31 battery tube since it has a tail switch, but that would not be very budget unless you already own one. Most people here already have a King/M6, and if not you can get them fairly cheap.

Where’s the waiven collar in that sketch? :party:

EDIT: Forgot to mention I think the side switch would be fine. The body extension tube could be finned at the bottom and slender higher up. It would need some testing to find out how far the lens must move to get max 120 degree flood, but I’m guessing it would only be 20 - 40mm (unless a short slide loses too many lumens). In that case an outer zoom section below the bezel could screw in and out onto threads above the fins. Anyway, the zoom and thus shape need to be designed around the lens function.

Still like copying the SK lights, for fun and function …

If this gets 824kcd without, I wounder what it would get with the waivan collar...

I know where we can get one for free. It's just sitting over there waiting to be . . . borrowed. Quick, someone grab it before he notices.

Hi ImA4Wheelr, actually the prototype you made isn’t look that bad in the photo.

Yeah the DST is not available in my country, but I think the PVC pipes are since they are all standardized in size. Other parts are all from online stores so should be okay. :slight_smile: