If the story on the Bosch GLM10X was a horror story, this next one is a fairy tale.
First a review.
On or around last Black Friday, HD came out once again with their small 10 inch tool bag. Initial price was $4.88, which isn’t bad.j A couple of years ago I caught them on clearance and bought quite a few and used them for Christmas stockings. Just put the gifts inside, zip it up and stick a bow on it. Done!
Well, this year when they came out I kept my eye on them, waiting for the clearance!
When they went to $3.70, I kept waiting………….
Then a few weeks ago I came across this empty shelf. :cry:
There, they had dropped down to $2.54, but they were all gone!
That’s why, a couple of days later at another store when I saw this, I struck.
I carried out 8, then came back in for 10 more. When I returned a third time, they were all gone. Just like that!
So I got 18.
They next day I texted 3 friends asking them how many they wanted. The numbers came in, 4 then 10 and finally 4. That totals all 18, none for me!
In the other stores I had been in since, everyone was sold out.
And each time I was in that first store, the one with the empty shelf, I would always see that empty shelf and the sticker for $2.54
Then, just like in a fairy tale, a couple of days ago while I was in that same store, I saw this :) :)
So, the first thing I did was pull the sticker!
Here’s why.
That replaced sticker meant that this store still had stock If they were all sold out, the MET person would see that and not place the sticker. I removed the sticker because I didn’t want anybody else searching for those bags also.
I did the wise thing, I went over to flooring and asked that guy to check for stock. He looked it up on his scanner and told me there were 16, but they “had no home”
I knew that meant they could be anywhere. I already knew they were not on the floor somewhere so they had to be in an overhead. So things were “looking up”
I finally found some, only 7, in the overhead in plumbing.
So, once I found them, I had the guy from electrical go up and pull them down for me.
Once I paid for them, and got the receipt, I went over to customer service and got refunded the difference on the 18 I bought for my friends.
The 7 I bought.
Refunding the 18 to my card at $2.54 each
Buying the 18 back at $1.32 each