My weakest C8 I got from meritline, I think this one, but no guarantees;—-p-82258.aspx
Ok build quality and design, but could be brighter and saw the Noctigon copper mounted MTG2. It is the correct size for the pill, I ordered it and it is indeed nicely mounted on a very flat copper plate.
I had previously sanded and polished the C8 pill for an XML2 and still not satisfied with output.
I used a blank rear pcb for direct drive, but made the mistake of soldering the wires before fitting the board. After much filing and annoyance it all fit. Please ignore the crappy soldering.
I had previously measured the reflector opening and it was large enough to accommodate the MTG2 listed spec. This particular C8 had an especially long head/reflector assembly and figured the beam would come out ok. None of my other C8/C12s had a reflector opening large enough anyways.
It says 1000 lumens on the side, but now that is 2000 lumens to you sir. I added the GITD lanyard, the light came with the GITD o-ring and rear button.
So the MTG2 is direct driven off 2x AW IMR 16350, drawing ~5.5A.
Versus my brightest stock C8, the XintD with XML2 U2, using NCR18650. The XML2 still has a little brighter hotspot, but the total output of MTG2 is obviously much better.
Versus my old favorite Surefire 6PDL with direct drive SST90, using IMR 17670. Getting a little tired now apparently.
Will order some IMR 18650s next and try to squeeze out a little more output. Took more work than I like, but this is the craziest light I have now.