So I am putting together a build for my brother, trying to include all his ideal features as an urban explorer.
The best commercial example of what I am trying to replicate would be the AceBeam H30, but I would like to put together something less expensive and more custom.
Some of the models I looked into a while back include Sofirn D25L, H05B, and Wurkkos HD20, perhaps with a custom 2 or 3 in 1 PCB for the auxiliary colours. (Happy to reflow emitters / hand solder SMD drivers)
So my questions are:
Am I missing any hosts that have come out recently, or is there something else that would suit well?
Any custom drivers available that would be appropriate?
Emitter suggestions?
Alternatively, does anyone think I would be better off just splashing on the Acebeam and trying a driver mod / high CRI emitter swap?
I got stuck in information overload last time I approached this project, so any and all input is very much appreciated.