hahah James, make it a special deal
If one buys for £20 of merchandise from you he can add a pink light like this for only £8 or something. Now that could be a good excuse to order.
“But honey, I needed to order that, it was the only way to get you this cute light”
Its an interesting idea but one Id avoid. Powder coating is a thermal insulator. Thats a “no-no” for LED flashlights becasue they exchange their heat with the ambient air.
True and this has been mentioned before, however, the coating is only 60-80 microns thick, it doesn’t make that much of a difference, I’ve ran a standard light, and a powder coated one side by side, it takes a little bit longer for the powder coated one to heat up but not much.
The first light I did I layed on the powder a bit thick, and it did make a difference, it felt like the light wasn’t heating up, but learning from that mistake I can now get a much thinner layer. The anodising is also stripped before powder coating, to get the even thinner layer, so thin in fact, that with the threads coated, they still work perfectly, as they did with anodising, no tighter.
The powder coating still transfers heat, just not as quick.
Maybe it would be a bigger factor in a triple XHP light, or small high output lights where every bit of thermal management helps, but with standard lights, I have seen no problems so far, the coating just doesn’t make enough of a difference to have any effect.
Plus you have the added increase in protection from drops/wear
I’ve got a bottle of sodium hydroxide granules, fill a container (big enough for the light) with water, put the light in, then pour the sodium hydroxide granules into the container, (the bigger the light the more you use)
Sodium hydroxide is also called caustic soda, but the purer it is the easier it is to strip, things like oven cleaner have other ingredients so it takes a lot longer
Make sure you wear Nitrile gloves, it will burn through latex etc. And also your skin! Wear a respirator if you have one (eBay 3M respirator) as the reaction produces hydrogen off the aluminium and some other nasty vapors off the ano
Might be worth checking insulation vs. emissivity — there’s a tradeoff
“The emissivity values of most powder coatings fall in the range of 0.75 - 0.9 (depending on chemistry, fillers, and pigment type)….”
It’s actually very easy and pretty nice. I tried it on one of my ebay “wins” using sink declogger.
Use lukewarm water, gloves and glasses. That shit can be nasty!
Oh and make sure to take it out after a few minutes. After the ano is gone, it will eat away the rest of the light… Don’t ask how I found out :person_facepalming:
I’ve been thinking about trying out some 3M ScotchPrint wrap film just to see how it behaves. It seems quite incredible at ‘painting’ any kind of objects without a visible seam… An actual trend is to get your car ‘wrapped’… why not your light?
It’s actually in picture 3. I kept it in the solution for 2hrs+. Actually refreshed it after 10min’s or so.
The threading is so eaten away, it doesn’t screw together anymore. But that was fixed with loads of teflon tape. It still works if I don’t over torque it.
I had a (black ano) pill bottle on my keyring, wich I gave the same (but shorter) treatment. Polished it afterwards and came out real nice!