To answer some of the raised topics:
Are this 100% genuine FLUKE products?
I doubt that anyone except engineer or maybe sales manager from FLUKE that really knows their product can answer this question but I sincerely doubt they would bother replying, for 20 or 50 pieces, or they would just say “buy from element14” or something like that. Chinese are excellent in copying things but in most cases their interest is to sale products and not to have them seized by customs and then destroyed so they make subtle changes like naming the product “Floke” 
Maybe this are models intended for chinese market like Woody mentioned but who can confirm what are the differences, is it “Chinese version” because the box and user manual is in chinese language or they used cheaper materials to build them (doubt that) or the package is poorer than in European or US version (if there are such versions ) to make it more affordable.
Many if-s and not much facts to answer this question but I will forward this to GB and see what they have to say. I believe they are, at best, the second hand in supply chain as: they buy this gear from authorised Fluke dealer. Maybe the best way to check would be to ask EEVBlog Dave but that sword has two blades, for him DMM under like 500$ is not worth considering.
I will consider if it is 17B
I am sure they can add this model to the deal. They probably get all Fluke equipment from the same supplier so, as long as they can get quantity discount from their supplier they will be able to offer us lower price.
craftsman clamp meter vs fluke
As I mentioned I am not an expert, I just want good quality equipment that I can rely on and Fluke is No.1 in the world. If you just bought new meter (dmm and clamp) and you are satisfied with it, don’t have any issues then, by all means, I don’t see the need to spend more money on similar equipment. As I understood, Craftsman is Sears brand name, they found OEM manufacturer from China and ordered several thousands pieces with “Craftsman” logo! Right?
Anyhow, I found this short video comparing Craftsman and Fluke clamp meter and If I were only to base my decision judging on this video, maybe I would buy Craftsman because of the budget but I would certainly wanted to get Fluke 
group buy or coupon code
Aren’t this two the same? At the end you get the code that you apply when purchasing… As long as the price is acceptable i’ll play the game 
warranty issues
I would say that it is safe to assume that, as with all products coming from China, there is no warranty, i.e. you would have to return the product to the supplier (GB in this case) and apply for refund or replacement product.
Are GB or BG authorized resellers?
LOL, I am sure that, by now, we all know there is no such thing as authorised reseller in China. To be authorised means to conform to manufacturers price policy or as we know it “MAP” which means keeping the prices at the higher level which will in turn result with lower sale because not-authorised dealers will be able to offer lower price and sometimes even one (1:money_mouth_face: buck can be enough to draw the customer, we saw this too many times. They may be authorised for selling some genuine Chinese products like electronic cigars or power banks because this will give the manufacturer a way through to world market but this is Fluke we are talking about, remember what they did to Sparkfun.
What are the benefits of a Fluke like this over something more pedestrian like my $20 DMM?
For me, benefits are higher resolution and accuracy as well as repeatability of results and I would like professionally calibrated, reputable device. When I pull the battery of a charger and measure it with the DMM I want to know that it is exactly x.xx(x) volts, I don’t want to ask myself who is lying me, charger or DMM (or both) if I see different numbers.
I am not forcing anyone to “play this game”, I don’t get free DMM or any other free stuff/benefits from this except maybe opportunity to pay less for this multimeter as any of you guys.
So, I you don’t see any benefits from your current setup then, by all means, use that money for other, more productive purposes that will bring you better costs/benefit ratio.
Also, it is worth to mention that on the Fluke website, this two products are “discontinued or reclassified” doesn’t seem to affect their price, at my local market cheapest Fluke multimeter is Fluke 113 (no consumption (A) measurement) with price of about 160$, Fluke 115 that can measure Amps consumption costs ~250$ and Fluke 117 mentioned by user downlinx is ~300$
P.S. There is one more option that I am personally considering and that is Mastech MS8229 and will check if GB would be willing to source it.