The same way I spent last July and the July’s before that. Hangin here. I must get around to sending that sb guy an invoice for all the time spent here.
Perspiring and wishing for rain. My area’s currently experiencing a moderate drought and if we don’t get some significant rainfall I have no doubt it will be considered a severe drought soon.
I didn’t think you did it. But I’ve been given a rude point for expressing my negative opinion on a flashlight I recently purchased. That’s why I asked.
Pool still not done (first rain prevented me from fixing now scorching heat lol)
So we use a nice area at the river for some swimming and relaxation (it’s just 30 meters further then the pool so close enough)
At last a good siton mower with a cart so tidying up larger areas.
Neighboring house finally got sold and the owners family lived there and in our mill for 500 years (once 35 people came during a family reunion and 4 of the oldest were born here)
This means they have to get rid of all the stuff in the barn.
We need to go through all new stuff they put outside before the old iron guy comes since there are so much ancient tools and mill parts to be rescued from melting down
Loads of gearwheels and heavy metal rods wheels where the old leather bands rolled over to get machinery going.
Heavy stuff bilut cool to place around our house.
Then the living fences at the little front bridge need daily tuning (I have let the wisteria grow shoots previous year, guided them across the bridge and under it.
Some bamboo is a frame where I guided these shoot over and the bridge fast year just a slab of concrete now has 1 thick fence at the side closest to the wisteria and the other side is coming along. This also means trimming carefully the rest so flowering continues but shoots elsewhere I cut so it does grow on the places we want and not waste energy
It is great fun and I am happy to have come up with this idea, it is much cooler to need to trim bridge fences then needing to paint them
Made water points throughout the yard so now we have a hose connection point at front, over bridge front, near bridge back, on the two ground level terras areas and at 20m from the pool instead of needing to use 50-60 meter long hoses, greatly improving ease of using water.
Saving young fruit trees from plants growing over them
Fighting back brembleberry everywhere do my arms look if some monster attacked me
Made a cut road on another neighbor ground leading to our bridge to the big island. Yay husqvarna mower that can cut through waist heigh grass, brembleberry and all sorts of plants
Making this bridge safer to walk on.
Need to make a similar road/path on our island so we can walk to La Rochefoucauld faster without the need of using normal roads where cars drive
And well getting behind on reviews since after a day of working in the sun I am too beat to do that.
We decided to try to do review things (wanna try videosl between 12-14/h because then it is way too hot to work anyway.