This is an old flashlight of mine, since I love the texture I wonder if I can change the bulb(which is not working atm).
The thing is I can’t open the part with the bulb, no matter how I tried, I couldn’t pull it, and rotating any part didn’t work. Anyone knows how to open this one? And if I can take the bulb, can you tell me what kind of led would I need to put there?
It looks like it’s moulded or glued. What batteries does the light use?
The bulb reminds me of the old mini-maglite type- Are there any markings on the bulb?
I do not think a MiniMaglite LED conversion would fit as they normally have a metal base plate- you might find one that is small enough diameter to fit your light, but you might have to modify the reflector.
You could try one of the very old mini maglote modifications- use a 5mm (or 3mm) LED in series with a resistor.
this website is an example, however he doesn’t use a resistor so the LED is direct drive.
Yes I also think its glued since I can’t move anything. It uses AA.
I couldn’t see any mark on it.
I will look at the link and see what I can do, thanks for the help!
Nothing is impossible… but it’s not it’s not viable or easy to do. Leave it as is and buy a new one.
EDIT- sorry I thought you meant to convert it to an led, if you can get tha maglite led the others pointed out to work, then it’s a possibility.
Have you tried to pull the bulb out to see how it connects. Is it one of the two pin connections?
Is the light a two AA light?
If it has the BI-pin bulb, the led conversions for the mini Maglite might fit. They do have a circuit board (the ones that I have, which are a few years old) that the LED is mounted to, but it might fit inside that black part and allow it to connect. As mentioned, if it does connect and light up, you could have a focus problem. The mini allow the head to be moved to allow focus.
The little conversion LEDs for the mini Maglite are pretty cheap, it would be worth a try if you really want to keep that light.
You can always just find a Xenon replacement bulb. Maybe not what you want, but possibly it would get your light working. Unless it has some other problem like the switch…
Can you try to measure to make sure there is voltage to the lamp socket?
it looks a lot like my old UK light, it had the same bulb, a bipin, it was easy to remove, just pull it out. you can stick a led in there, but it wont focus in that reflector, i tried to convert many lights from bulbs to led, only few reflectors work with leds,
Well after my attempt to twisting the parts, the bulb started to work again :D. It is too dim though, I can only see 2-3 meters ahead.
I did but I didn’t try too hard, being afraid to break it. I don’t know if it has two pin, but its 1 AA, small light. I don’t have the tools to measure, but the bulb started to work suddenly though it is too dim to be actually useful. I will look into what you wrote and might try to replace it, thanks!
Single AA… hmm. All of the things I looked at were for 2 AA cells. The linked article from above was for 2 AA.
I think that a single AA would need a boost circuit. It is likely not worth messing with. Just too much work for what you would get.
Of course, for just a fun project with no concern for money or time… but know going in what you are facing. Likely not a simple plug and play fix.
My only hope would be pulling the bulb and putting a new one, but it seems its much more difficult. As you said I won’t mess with it, since my ts10 on the way I will have a little light anyway, thanks again.