How dangerous is this? P60 shorting out

I’ve purchased a pair of p60 drop-ins recently both to work in l2p hosts. When I tighten the reflector down reasonably tight and insert it into the host, no light. Instead the tail cap spring becomes very hot and has even turned blue in areas and adopted a shorter shape. In order to get the light to work i have to back the reflector off a bit and try again until it works. This has been the case with both drop-ins and tailcaps.

I would like to understand how dangerous this could be if it shorts but not turned off with the tailcap. Burnt tailcap? Battery explosion? Nuclear meltdown?

Also, does anyone have any ideas on how to actually fix the problem, and not just work around it?

Thank you for your response. I will really appreciate any input.

The reflectors are causing a short at the LED, you need an insulator that covers the contacts of the wires on the LED-board or you can insulate the bottom of the reflector (my favourite version), just put some insulation-tape on the reflector and cut the whole for the LED.

Please stop using your light until you fix it. This could easily cause the batteries to vent with flames and vent toxic gasses.

Meltdown??? Congratulations… you just triggered the apocalypse. The sun will stop shining and the dead will walk. May whatever god you believe in have mercy on us all :wink:

Which drop in,which host, where did you buy it?

They are both 3A NW drop-ins from intl-outdoor.

Since there is a brass plate covering the emitter, will an insulation disk really help?

see this thread P60 drop in issues from Int. Outdoor Store

Thanks edc!

That thread really helped. Hopefully I’ll be able to get some of the op reflectors being offered.