How do I buy Convoy S2, S2+, S3 (are they really different?) at a good price from legit company?

I need to get some more convoy S2, S2+ or S3 flashlights for a good price (I have a knack of losing these (and loads of other things) too easily).

I just love how bright these can be. And I have loads of 18650s - when going to trade shows, they’d give battery sticks for spare power for phones. Open them up and there’s an 18650 in there.

Or maybe not the Convoy? Looking for:

Low cost
Uses an 18650
High lumens (I get the 7135x8 Convoys).
Run time is not an issue

Any recommendation on a company? And if not a convoy, what other flashlight?

I’m waiting months now for a bang good order for $11? each for 2 Convoys that haven’t (won’t) be delivered.

Is under $13 all in with shipping, etc. a realistic expectation for a single 18650 flashlight? or is it unrealistic?

Oh, and I’m not up for building / modding my own. Not good with a solder iron / parts making.

And if I can get 1000 lumens AND a much lower level in the same flashlight, that’d be another thing on my list of what I am looking for. OK, and reliable. The couple S2s that I haven’t lost? I’ve had them for a couple years now.

S2 has a longer head and reflector than the S2+ (this equals a narrower and brighter spill, NOT more throw). Dont remember what the S3 was like but all the “S” models were just variations on the tube light design.

The S2+ w/Biscotti firmware and 8x7135 is a great choice.

$13 is absolutely a realistic price. You will need to purchase batteries and charger separately if you don’t already have them of course.

There have been serious shipping issues from PRC with the pandemic until very recently where sellers found more reliable (but more expensive) services. Simon at Convoy said he specifically was having a very tough time getting products out. I would order from his AliExpress page here vs BangGood personally. Your lights may still arrive, in many places there are low-priority/cheap shipping packages backed up from months ago still - it is a complete mess.

If you in the US there’s a new store called Mohr Lumens. They are selling Convoy S2+ Cree XPL 5000K with Biscotti for $16 + shipping.

There’s also Mountain Electronics in the US…$9.15. Not sure about shipping.

Would help to know where OP was

The most reliable distributor is the source, which is in this case Simon Mao, the owner of convoy.

I think these $10 convoys only have the old driver. described as 5/3 modes. In my own experience BG also won’t deliver .

My preference is the Biscotti 12 mode. Maybe it is exclusive from Simon’s store
They cost a little more but include better modes and amazing service.

Thank you all for the info!

I am in the US.

Mountain - that’s just the tube. Gotta buy the LED and the driver (at least, maybe more parts). AND put it together.

$13 is realistic? From Simon? Or where? When there’s a big sale (and how do you learn of them?) or all the time? I’m checking his aliexpress page now. The best I can find is 14.88 with free shipping. Not that its a big difference. Just want to learn how to get the best price.

12 mode also adds LVP which 3/5 mode drivers don’t have.

LVP - low voltage protection? Is that why a couple of my batteries died / don’t charge anymore? I ran them too low?

At least 1 of the convoys I have flashes every few seconds when the battery is low.

Convoy store (and Jaxman too) doesn’t enter the “big sales”. You can ask for a discount if you mention you are from BLF!

3/5 mode: Low Voltage Warning
Blinks to warn around 2.9-3V (IIRC) and then switches to the lowest setting, no cut off

12 mode: low Voltage Protection
Dims slowly and then cuts off around 3V, no flashes

I think these are the brightest and cheapest $14.36

Gray Convoy S2+ with luminus SST20,DTP copper plate,ar-coated glass lens,7135 biscotti firmware

In the past he used to give us discount through the “Message” or “Contact Seller” buttons.

He must have a big warehouse I see it says “156639 pieces available”