how do i properly remove and salvage 18650s from a laptop pack?

3S2P is type of cell config (in format usually used in RC world), S refers to number of cells in series, P - to number of cells in parallel.
So 3S2P looks like this:

(excuse for crappy drawing, it’s 05:00 and I really need to get some sleep)
Each cell is 1900mAh because that 3800mAh rating is specified for those 2-cell banks - so each cell is 3800 divided by 2, which is equal to 1900mAh.


Thank you so much for the information!

That makes complete sense to me now.

now go to bed! :bigsmile:

nice healthy convo i see, lol so looks like they are sanyos, but i haven’t have had time to take the cells out yet completely. the pack tells me its 10.8v and 4200mah, so same setup as mentioned above but with 2100amps? as far as i know series is constant amperage and parallel is constant voltage

it sparked on me a few times as i was cutting it apart, then i realized I was taking off the positive end first (always take negative off 1st), whoops, LOL hopefully no booms

Series is constant capacity, not “amperage” (wtf is that, even? are you referring to “current”?). Batteries don’t have such characteristic as “amperage” (and there’s no such term in electrical engineering either).

yea i meant current, lol i am not an engineering major XD, but yea i was just trying to refer to what you just said

wow, every cell still reads about 4v, when i took the pack apart it was about 70% left of battery life, so it must have been some circuitry problems

ok. they are red, has a purple ring on the + end, and numbers i see on the shrink warp SANYO K UR18650A R1112 under the warp i see OEMA50

these methinks

i found them, not bad at all, i can definitely find good use for them

They are old batteries. The first letter designates the year they were made.
ie 96 = A 97 =B
H = 03

15 years old??

Wow thats a tad (ton) older than I thought! Thanks for the info