How hard should I drive XP-G2 on copper in a P60?

Tom E made me a p60 dropin with dedomed xpg2 at 3.5A on copper. 47kcd throw and 550lumen. Never had thermal issue since I use it sparely. It is just awesome!

any comparison beamshot with “standard” XPG drop in or before & after picture?

For the P60 haters, this thread might be interesting… 0:)

There is nothing but love from me for this little light with all its inherent faults. I have just taken delivery of a L2M which when given time I will rid this light of its poor heatsinking (on the standard light). The last L2M which had an XP-G2 driven at from memory (I gave it away) around 3 amps with modified heatsinking was a little ripper. :heart_eyes:

For me the great thing about them is that you can try out so many LED / driver combinations with so little effort. This, and the fact that Solarforce hosts are just so damn sexy :bigsmile: Got a little surprise money last weekend and had to order a grey L2N ;)

That thing lilkevin715 did with his Noctigon board looks amazing, and the numbers make it look even better, but I doubt I could reproduce that with my skills.

The thing I wanted to show up here is that P60 pills should be balanced on amp settings emitter and pill can take without significant light drop….
So probably this Vinh pill(3A) could have most optimized performance (I mean 335 KCD on which value it finally drops after few minutes) with 2,4amp driven pill or even less than that…

I am pretty sure that performance will be better with copper pill at same current… If not I will not use it considering price… I will bring my observations when I will get my copper pill and put same configuration Vinh used in brass pill…

The truth is I really see some difference between 380 and 335 but really not much as you said…

And be sure that I am using my lights(probably even more than you - but we can not know argue that :zipper_mouth_face: ) and that why I want most optimized performance and not just few seconds/minutes of boosts, and light meter can help very much at solving this problemo… Light meter kicks ass :bigsmile:

I didn’t push this bit so far before, but given people are struggling to go over 150kcd with a c8 at almost twice the diameter reflector as a p60, which aspheric are you using and how do you over come the god awful square die beam?

Made a little edit on the opinion but as to the technical part:

My favorite SK68 goes out of focus and circle with less than 1mm of zoom travel - I swapped lenses around till I found one that focused a little different (Focus is just before fully zoomed out). But I kinda miss the square effect. Perhaps one could just shim the pill or bezel to preference?

They are not on a budget side but as I mentioned i use Xsearcher/Nightmaster aspherical flashlights + tuned pill… They are P60 lights but much bigger than standard classic P60 lights. They have focus-ability.

Well they are special purpose lights for sure. Plenty people are not aware of their usefulness. If you need to seek something on larger distances there is nothing better than them, alright and maybe Crelant/Tiablo aspheric are good ones(have them), and then again king DeftX(don’t have it). And if you need something for night walking there are more suitable reflector lights or small zoomies.

You see further in a night with aspheric. Why?
When you turn on reflector LED light, your night vision is ruined by spill light that is reflecting from those nearby objects(grass, ground, etc). Your pupil of the eye narrows and you see less. The brighter the environment is, the narrower is the pupil of the eye, so there’s a reduction in light that hits the fundus.

Aspheric beam has sharp borders, so there is better contrast between illuminated area and dark area. The enhanced contrast lets you to perceive it brighter.

Reflector vs Aspheric with same kcd values - you will see further with aspheric… In fact you will even see further with 100kcd aspheric than with 130kcd reflector. Light meter says one number your eyes see something different.

Thanks God that there are plenty different style flashlight so we can really combine everything for our needs. My need are throwers :wink: