How low ? How often? How come?

Previously the most used bedside flashlight for me was the Olight S15 Baton. I changed to the Black Diamond and Archer because the Olight had such a bluegreen tint that bothered my wife.

Nice edit of the photo jon_slider! A01 is my lowest light lumen light for sure. It will still crank out 100 lumens, or that ultra low lumen level. One of my first lights, I recall running it for 200 hours on an eneloop before getting the battery below 1.2V and ending the test.

Thanks to everyone for sharing the low output pics. A picture is worth a thousand lumens, or in this case less than a lumen. :+1:

8 days, wow
and that was not even in vampire mode

for comparison, a current HDS runs 6 days on lowest mode of 0.02 with a CR123

has anyone seen a light meter reading for the lowest mode on the Manker E01 aka Astrolux A01… I think I read 0.07 somewhere, not sure…

same question for the Ti3, Ive seen specs of .04, but not verified on a meter… and Ive heard specs are not always accurate, particularly on lowest modes…

below 1 lumen

I tailstand my Zebralight SC52W every night, on the second-lowest level (about half a lumen or less). It’s my night light. If I wake in the middle of the night with adjusted eyes, it’s bright enough to see my way to the bathroom without making me squint.

its Way Less than 0.5 lumens, the spec is 0.06

I agree a level like .06 is plenty when I wake in the dark, especially if the beam has a hotspot

How do you set moonlight level on the Manker E02?
…i think i chucked the manual… :person_facepalming:

Boy, do you guys really live in complete darkness? Ever heard of nightlights? :wink: I have to admit our kids are grown and gone but even when they were little they always wanted at least a nightlight on in their bedroom and another in the hallway to navigate to the bathroom. Heck, we even had one on in the bathroom!

I guess I’m different but moon mode is a mode I never use. I could never live in a completely dark home at night. If a low mode on a light would bother my wife or kids, the toilet flushing sure would. :smiley:

Like you, I dont like sublumen modes that come on first if the UI is clicky, or twisty.

I dont like, and dont use nightlights.

I also dont turn on the electric lights in the bedroom, nor the bathroom when I wake in the dark to P, or when I walk through the house to go to bed.

And I dont flush P in the middle of the night.


Using nightlights and or electric house lights, would totally wreck several of my justifications for carrying, and buying, flashlights.

This is not necessarily a Need, its more of a Want… of course some will claim they are Prepping for Disaster… any justification will do… some of us even use flashlights as jewelry… :slight_smile: LOL!


Engineering mode (Chose output level for moonlight mode):
Quick click for 4 times from any mode to get access to engineering mode. Once click to check different levels and long press to make your final choice.

I don’t have a meter, so I can’t answer actual light level questions.

The 8 days+ on an AAA eneloop for the Manker E01. So I am starting the test again (inspired by this thread) with a “new” alkileak. 800mAhr eneloop gives 8 days, a alkileak should give at least 10 days. I’ll track pictures of the light on a given setting and measure the battery daily so see what I get. Taking a picture when it is dark, I’ll shoot for 8pm, or 6 hours after I start the test.

Battery is a duracell expiration date 2025. I don’t have any “new” batteries, as I don’t buy alkileaks. A year or two ago I scrounged a boatload, this is one of those.
Time = 0 voltage unloaded 1.585V, current into light is 5mA. A quick web check says AAA should have 1000mAhr at 10mA current, so I’m guessing this will be a bit more than that.

The E01 is regulated on medium and high modes, but not on low (or moonlight) mode. Current goes down as the battery voltage drops, which helps to extend the light output.

Hope you don’t mind the thread drift, I’ll take it elsewhere if you like . . . :person_facepalming:
I’ll just post results once when I’m done to not drift too much.

Currently I see me using more the RRT01 I got from CRX (than the first I bought), as it has the tritium vial in the back. I put it next to my bed and whenever I wake in the middle of the night I always see where it is, instead of searching with my hands in the dark :stuck_out_tongue:

The other one I have, I put a piece of GITD tape and before I go to bed I light it up well. It lasts all night, but still the tritium is a better locator :wink:

About the tint, I also prefer a NW or WW (no High CRI needed, so far) instead of the original one of the RRT01 (CW XML2).

About the Sofirn C01 3200K, I see me doing that as well at bedtime, but I also notice that it is “too much” brightness to use if there is anyone more at home/bedroom.

Nice to see so many different preferences and lights to serve them :wink:

Personally I find those sub-lumen, firefly, moonlight modes totally unusable. I just dont have use for them, 5 lumens is bare minimum, 10 lumens is what I consider good starting point.

I can wake up my wife ceiling bouncing 10 lumens, shower and get ready for work, and make a fancy breakfast. Preferably not in that order.

Explain a fancy breakfast?

Steak , eggs , pancakes and hasbrowns .


Sweet. I love breakfast but usually eat it at night. Nightfast?