How much role do battery specs play in the TM16's output on turbo?

A quick “human eye” comparison between my Nitecore EA81 (XHP50; rated 2150lm) and my new Nitecore TM16 (4xXM-L2; rated 4000lm) doesn’t show much difference in output. While I understand that the eye won’t readily distinguish between small changes in brightness, I would have thought the ~2x increase from 2150 to 4000 would be easily visible. Indeed, when comparing my TK45 (760lm) with EA81’s mode-4 (1200lm), the difference in brightness is hard to miss and that’s only a 60% increase in output.

I haven’t measured current in the TM16 but this has me wondering if my batteries might be a bottleneck. I’m using 3500mAh LG MJ1s in the TM16. Ostensibly they’re rated for 10A discharge while I’d be surprised if a TM16 needs more than 4A. So at least on paper on paper the batteries seem to be a good match for the light?

Any ideas?

Batteries do make a difference, but you might only be able to detect it with a light meter.

I wonder if the difference from 760 to 1200 compared to 2150 vs 4000 is more noticeable because at the 2150 lumen level your eyes are getting saturated.

Dont bother m8, use batteries that you allready have and be happy : the difference in candelas between Panasonic 2900PF and LG HG2 in TM16 is about 5%…you wont feel a thing …plus it aint a single battery flashlight - mj1s are good batteries