You should be able to calculate how much less time you get when discharging at a certain rate if you’re starting voltage is 4.17. Depends on the type of cell as well.
Have you measured using both chargers side by side? Ie, pop a cell in each (same batch of cells) charge to termination then measure using the same meter at the same time? It would tell if the 4.25v is an anomaly and nothing to worry about or if the charger is duff. My cheap meter reads high if the batteries are cold/going flat, use my decent meter and things are fine.
Are the chargers the type that plug into an adaptor then into the wall? If so, I’d consider an upgrade sooner rather than later myself, I just don’t like them and prefer a charger with a proper UK plug fitted.
Not trying to get on my high horse, just don’t trust the cheap “wall wart” chargers.
Yes I have tried them side by side, Sanyo cell in each. One is 4.16 one is 4.25V. Is 0.05v that much of a problem do you think?
By the way they have always given the same result, it has not just started charging to 4.25v.
For what it’s worth I love these little chargers. They have never let me down, don’t get hot and do what they are suppose to. They were originally designed for camera batteries and have worked well for many years. I may upgrade in the future but for now, they’ll do.
That’s ok, its eliminated the question of different results on different days. If your happy with the chargers don’t worry about the form, from advice I’ve had though, I wouldn’t want to charge to 4.25v unless your talking 4.35 cells (can’t remember if its Sanyo or Samsung who makes the 4.35v cells).
Usual a LiIon cell needs 4.15 to 4.25 as charging voltage, when charging is finished the cell will drop slightly in voltage, with a new cell it will only be 0.01 to 0.03 volt, with older cell it can be 0.1 volt.
I.e. 4.25 volt after charge on a new cell is overcharged, but only a very little bit.
i learn’t the hard way about two years ago i had just used a 3 cell rcr123a flashlight ,switched it off and placed on top of a bench .next thing a loud bang ,after i changed my undies i realised the bottom had blown completely off and made a nice dent in the wall.when i went to pick up the cell it was scalding hot i used a cloth and threw it in the garden,the flashlight was also red hot needless to say that went in the garden ,the charger went in the bin lol :8)