How to diffuse the light?

I need to diffuse some light in my BD06. I currently have xp-l hi and a stock reflector in it, so it’s even a nice thrower. I read a little about dc fix, but most threads are old and the links do not work. Does anyone know where I can get something to diffuse? Or any other ideas?
I would like it to be cheap. I would also like to get an angle more or less like in carclo 10511.

DC-Fix is pretty cheap.

Have you seen this thread?

When you mean this you want a narrower beam? I don’t know if the DC-Fix will help you to make that “narrower” beam, but it will surely help you to diffuse the light! I am using it in some lights and love it :blush: Credits and thanks to Boaz :+1:
I searched a bit for bigger TIR optics but the ones I found will not fit the the BD06.

I don’t know how I could overlooked it… :person_facepalming:

I didn’t wrote I want a narrower beam. I want the beam look like created by 10511.

WITL beat me to the suggestion of LCD monitor and TV diffusion material. Nice vid! :+1:

In my area, TVs with cracked screens appear almost every week for trash night.

You might also experiment with one or more layers of frosted adhesive tape or circles cut from plastic packaging.

WalkIntoTheLight the idea is great, but not everyone has so much LCD’s around. But I will look around.

Hey mate i done a video on this a while back. I just used a cut up milk bottle as a diffuser. This will depend on what country you are from but other bottles can be used like an orange juice bottle. Just wash it first lol

You don’t need much. Just the screen from an old smartphone will do. If there are any open electronic recycle bins in your area, you could always scrounge those.

Sorry, you’re right, I may have assumed it wrong. I was comparing the beam of the 10511 (Narrow Frosted) with the one from 10508 (Medium Frosted = floodier).

I must say that diffusing light using a milk carton is going to give you a nasty grey tint and kill the crap out of a bunch of lumens needlessly .

I've also seen Vestureofbloods video with him making an ice cream pail lantern/ diffuser and while i think it's creatively interesting. I've been there and done that ,Same dead dull grey tint .it's not a great look . I've shot light thru 100's of materials and am known to be picky.. especially when it comes to tint. I say this not so much to sell you something ,but rather to keep you from suffering bad diffusion ,

I also sell 5 other types of diffuser materials besides Dc-fix .

Some thicker some with & without adhesive

PM me ...

There : that was my yearly sales pitch

I was thinking about making a diffuser for my DX80 - came across this youtube video

You could also sand down 1 side of the lens with sandpaper. I’ve done that with a Convoy S2+ and it greatly diffused the beam to get rid of artifacts. The end result still gives some throw, so it’s not like a frosted lens. See here for more detail: 3 Minute 30 Cent Mods.